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Show Microbiology Microbiology mal and hydrocarbon occurrences. Four lectures a week. Prerequisites: Geology 306, Mathematics 215. 465. Exploration Geochemistry (4) The use of trace elements in mineral exploration. Two lectures and two 3-hour labs a week. Prerequisite Geology 206. 480. Special Problems (1-5) Prerequisite: Consent of instructor prior to registration. (May be repeated for a maximum of five credit hours.) 483. Geologic Literature (1-3) Directed readings, i.e. literature of geology. Prerequisite: Geology 111 and 112. 489. Cooperative Work Experience (1-9) A continuation of Geology 289. Open to all students. 492. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-6) A continuation of Geology 292. 495. Advanced Field Geology (1-8) Fundamentals of geology applied during field trips. Readings, reports, lectures and examinations are required. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. 499. Senior Seminar (1) A course for seniors applying research methods to geologic problems DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY Lowell S. Adams, Chairman Professor: Lowell S. Adams; Associate Professor: Stockland; Assistant Professor: Diane S. Home. Alan E. Description — Microbiology is the study of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, and protozoa) including their structure, metabolism, distribution, and ecological relationships. Knowledge gained by microbiologists leads to a better understanding of molecular-level life processes and to beneficial applications in medicine, agriculture, and industry. Education — Because of its interdisciplinary nature the microbiology major program serves as an ideal academic preparation for a variety of careers at the baccalaureate degree level and for entry into several graduate and professional programs, including schools of medicine and dentistry. The microbiology curriculum provides balanced instruction in principles, facts, and laboratory skills. Career Opportunities and Employment Outlook — Microbiology is expected to continue to expand rapidly due to the significance of genetic engineering and the increased needs for the applications of basic research, particularly in the areas of control of disease, production and storage of food, development and quality control of industrial products, disposal of wastes, and the monitoring of environmental quality. Microbiologists who earn advanced degrees may teach in colleges or universities or supervise research programs. Program: Microbiology Major — Bachelor Degree I. General Requirements: A. Specific course requirements of the college (see index). B. Bachelor Degree General Education requirements (see index). C. A minor is required. division hours): 405 (5), D. Microbiology majors must have a C or better in major courses. E. An overall GPA of 2.00 or C is required. F. 183 total hours are required for this degree. G. Sixty of the 183 total hours must be upper (courses numbered 300 and above). II. Specific Requirements: A. Microbiology courses required (36 credit Microbiology 205 (5), 255 (5), 305 (5), 325 (5), 415 (5), 480 (3), 499 (3). B. Microbiology courses to elect from (19 credit hours): Microbiology 315 (5), 340 (3), 348 (5), 355 (5), 376 (4), 385 (5), 455 (5), 483 (1-3). C. Support courses required: Chemistry 121 (5), 122 (5), 123 (5), 311 (4), 312 (4), 313 (4) or 307 (5); Mathematics 105 (5) or 106 (5) or 107 (5); Physics 101 (5) or 107 (5) or 111-113 (12). III. Special Emphases: Student interested in the professional or career programs listed below should take the specified courses in addition to those required for the Microbiology major. A. A pre-medical, pre-dental, and preveterinary students should include Mathematics 106 and 107, Physics 111-116, and Zoology 160, 201, 330, and 410. Some professional schools also recommend Mathematics 211-213, Zoology 202,421, and 422, and Chemistry 313. B. Students planning graduate degrees in Microbiology should include Mathematics 213, Physics 111-116; and should consider taking Chemistry 213, 307, and electives in data processing, statistics, foreign languages, and other biological sciences. C. Students emphasizing Public Health should include Microbiology 115, and Zoology 450 and 455. Program: Microbiology Departmental Honors I. 270 General Requirements: A. Enroll in the General Honors Program and complete at least 10 hours of General Honors courses. B. Maintain an overall GPA of 3.3. C. Fulfill the requirements for the Microbiology departmental major. Specific Requirements: A. In fulfilling the Microbiology Departmental Honors requirements, take at least 20 hours on an Honors basis. B. Complete a Microbiology Special Problems Project. C. A student may receive Microbiology Honors credit in any upper division Microbiology course with the exception of 271 Social MSCiences Teohrtetef Continuing —Education |