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Show Arts, Letters and Science — Communication 230. Normal Speech and Language Development—The ontogenetic aspects of oral language development in normal children will be examined and compared with the language impediments that commonly accompany various handicapping conditions. W(3) 231. Introduction to Speech and Hearing Disorders—A survey of the disorders of speech, language, and hearing. S (3) 271. Basic Broadcast Announcing—Covers basic reading techniques for various types of broadcast programs in radio and TV. Additional work is spent on developing announcing abilities, pronunciation of foreign language phrases. Both oral and visual recordings of student performances are made for class analysis. Students are expected to spend two hours weekly in actual performances on KWCR-FM. Speech 102 or 201 is recommended as a prerequisite. All students must have permission of instructor to enroll in class. S (3) 272. Radio Production—Introduction to major forms of radio production. Analysis of medium's characteristics. Practice in preparing and producing programs. Students are required to spend 30 hours per quarter working at KWCR-FM. W (3) 273. Radio Production Workshop—One three-hour lab session weekly participating in WSC Educational FM station recording and broadcast activities. Lab hours to be arranged. May be repeated for credit. (Maximum six hours.) Prerequisite: Speech 272 or permission of the instructor. A W S (1) 275. Television Production—Theory and practice of television production. Basic television techniques are introduced and developed. Two lectures, three hours lab per week. Facilities of KOET-TV are utilized. Students required to participate in production of WSC television programs. A (3) 307. Advanced Interpretation—Projection of oral reading experience into higher levels of literature for mastery of techniques and practical utilization of talents and experience in public performance. May not be offered this year. S (3) 312. Advanced Public Speaking—Emphasis on persuasive elements, project organization and refinement of speech content and delivery. Prerequisite: Speech 101, 115 or permission of instructor. S (3) 315. Chairmanship and Group Discussion—Organization and conducting of various types of group discussion. W (3) 124 Arts, Letters and Science ■ Communication 321. Advanced Argumentation and Debate—Emphasis on ethics, theory, style and techniques of debate. Types of debate, techniques of rhetoric as an art, and acquiring skills in delivery, logic, analysis. W (3) 350- Public Speaking for Special Occasions—Emphasis on presentation and style of speaking designed for the business and professional man. A (3) Offered through the Evening School. 372. Radio Production Projects—Lecture and production experience in forms and techniques of radio production. One hour lecture and one 3 hour lab per week. Required of all radio and television majors. Prerequisite: Speech 272 or permission of instructor. May not be offered this year. A W (2) 373. Broadcast Programs and Audiences—Covers the development of various program types, the theoretical considerations made in matching programs to audiences, constitution of audience groups, analysis of broadcast ratings, factors which dictate types of programs offered. Offered alternate years with Speech 476. A (3) 374. Writing for the Broadcast Media—Provides students with an over-view of broadcast writing requirements used in all types of radio and television programming. Limited practical writing experience is provided in each of the major writing areas of broadcast copy. S (3) 380. Persuasive Communication—Develops increased understanding of the relationship between means and effects, and between persuasion and other forms of influence. Students will examine both oral and written communication. S (3) 410. Critical Study of Great Speeches—Evaluation and appreciation of outstanding speeches on great issues. May not be offered this year. W (3) 421. Intercollegiate Debate—Preparation and competition on the national debate topic and participation in individual events. Course may be repeated for credit (six units maximum including Speech 123 or 223 counted toward graduation). A W S (%) 475. Advanced Television Direction—Detailed study and experience in problems related to the direction and introduction of television programs. Design of TV sets and lighting schemes. Students will be given individual responsibility in the preparation of college telecasts. May not be offered this year. W (2) 476. Radio and TV Station Management—Extensive analysis of each department within the radio and the television station with a view to developing an awareness of problems which may 125 |