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Show Continuing Education — Business and Economics Continuing Education — Business and Economics Department of Psychology Courses of Instruction 050. Creative Problem Solving—Technique of brainstorming, slip conferences, and other systems used by supervisors in solving industrial problems. (1-4) 051. Social and Psychological Aspects of Supervision—Informal organization, communication, belief systems, and attitudes, as they affect unity of the work force. (1-4) 052. Leadership Skills—Concepts, techniques, and procedures of leadership for supervisory and administrative personnel. (1-3) 054. Fundamentals of Personality Development—Factors oi personality organization as they affect the supervisor in a work situation. (2-5) 056. Employee Motivation—Supervisory skills for developing attitudes, high morale, and job satisfaction among employees, (1-4) THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS The School of Business and Economics offers many general courses in the Departments of Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, and Office Administration and Business Education. Many courses listed in the day section of the catalog wil. be taught in the Division of Continuing Education. In addition the following courses may be offered: Department of Business Administration FINANCE Courses of Instruction 050, 051. Principles of Life Insurance—An introductory course in life insurance principles, analysis of insurance as prop perty, policy features, programs, sales process and market. 052, 053. Intermediate Life Insurance—Problems of expand ing market, business ownership, corporate client, estate creatioi and conservation, estate distribution and total need selling. 054. Elementary Health Insurance—An introductory course of health and accident insurance. 055. Advanced Life Insurance—Individual Life and Health Insurance. 056. Advanced Life Insurance—Life Insurance Law and Company Operations. 057. Advanced Life Insurance—Social Insurance and Group Insurance. 058. Advanced Life Insurance—Pension Planning. 059. Advanced Life Insurance—Income, Estate, and Gift Taxation. 060. Advanced Life Insurance—Investments and Family Financial Management. 061. Advanced Life Insurance—Accounting and Finance. 062. Advanced Life Insurance—Economics. 063. Advanced Life Insurance—Business Insurance. 064. Advanced Life Insurance—Estate Planning. MANAGEMENT Courses of Instruction 068. Human Relations in Business and Industry—Principles of human relations in industry, including such topics as "Supervision and Human Control," "The Economics of Supervision," "The Human Side of Internal Management," "Belief Systems and Attitudes," "Conflicts, Cooperation and Morale," "The Supervisor and Leadership," "Motivation and Incentives." (1-4) 069. Personnel Management and Supervision—For those looking forward to private or government supervisory positions. Theory and practice of interviewing, supervision, and adjustment. (1-4) 070. Industrial Management—Solutions in personnel administration, factors influencing the fundamentals of management, physical plant facilities, standardization of procedures, work simplification, inspection, materials control, production planning relations and organization. (1-4) 155, 156, 157, 158. Traffic Management—Rules and regulations governing railroad and freight traffic. Instruction includes various code books and traffic manuals covering state and interstate commerce. (3-3-3-3) 376 377 |