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Show Education — Secondary Education istry, Geology-Geography, Mathematics, and Physics. At least 27 hours of specific courses must be taken in one department and at least 20 hours in each of the other two departments selected. Chemistry Twenty-seven hour list Twenty hour list Chemistry 121,122, 123 (15) Chemistry 121, 122, 123 (15) At least 12 hours from 5 hours from Chemistry Chemistry 213, 311, 213, 311, 312 (5) 312, 341 (12) Geology - Geography Twenty-seven hour list Twenty hour list Geology 111 and 112; Geology 111 and 112; 154 or 420 (5) 154 or 420 (5) Geol. 122 (5) Geol. 122 (5) Geol. 204 and 206 (6) Geol. 204 and 206 (6) Two of Geol. 306, 318 One of Geol. 306, 318 or 315 (8) or 315 (4) Geography 101 (5) Geography 101 also recommended Mathematics A grade point average of at least 2.0 in all mathematics is required of those selecting either of the mathematics lists. Twenty-seven hour list Math 107, 111, 112, 113 Math 310 or 331 and 312 or 414 (15) One additional course selected from 341, 331,335,310,312,414(12) Twenty hour list Math 107, 111, 112, 113 (22) Math 331 or 310 or 312 (4) Physics Twenty-seven hour list Physics 261-266 (15) At least 12 hours from Physics 101 or 114 Physics 301 or 311; 302 or 351; 303 or 343 (12) Twenty hour list Physics 261-266 (15) At least 5 hours from Physics 101 or 114 Physics 301 or 311; Physics 302 or 351; Physics 303 or 343 (5) Education — Secondary Education Any deviation from the above list of courses must have prior written approval of the Dean of the School of Arts, Letters, and Sciences and the Dean of the School of Education and the heads of the department(s) concerned. Early consultation with the student's adviser is essential for anyone intending to take the composite major. SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPOSITE TEACHING MAJOR The Social Science Composite Program consists of an academic major in one of three areas of the Social Sciences (Geography, History, Political Science). The student will take, besides his major, a total of 45 hours in three fields listed in groups A and B below with a minimum of 14 hours in any particular area. The student must take his major plus at least one secondary area of concentration from Group A. He will then select his other areas of concentration from Group B. These courses may be used to fill the general education requirements in the Social Sciences. Group A Geography History Political Science Group B Anthropology Economics Psychology Sociology SPEECH AND THEATRE ARTS COMPOSITE TEACHING MAJOR See description in these department's catalog sections. STUDENT TEACHING Student Teaching (Education 495) is taken in selected junior and senior high school classrooms. The student may elect to have experience at both levels and in both his major and minor subjects. During the quarter the student's time is taken entirely with student teaching and related professional course work. Assignments are made with consideration to the needs and desires of the personnel in the cooperating schools as well as the needs of the student teacher. All arrangements are made in the Office of the Coordinator of Professional Laboratory Experiences. Students who have completed the prerequisites: Education 195, 300, 320, 340 may take student teaching the spring quarter of the junior year or the fall, winter or spring quarter of the senior year. It must be completed prior to his final quarter on campus. The 262 263 |