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Show Arts, Letters and Science — Zoology Arts> Letters and Science — Zoology 420. Cellular Physiology-Metabolic activities of animals on 465. Ichthyology-Classification, life histories and habits of cellular level. Three lectures and two three-hour laboratories fishes. Field trips required. Three lectures and one laboratory weekly. Prerequisites: Courses in Zoology, Botany, or Micro- per week. Prerequisite: A general course in Zoology. A Su (4) biology, and a minimum of one year of Chemistry (preferably .__ __ , _ . ... , . . , . , the 311 series) S (5) Herpetology—Structure, classification, and biological relationships of amphibians and reptiles. Three lectures and one 421, 422. Mammalian Physiology-A two-quarter study of laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: A general course in vertebrate physiological processes on the organ level. Three lee- z00l0cry. s Su (4) tures and two three-hour laboratories weekly. Prerequisites: " . Previous courses in Zoology and a minimum of one year of 467' Ormthology-An introduction to the birds with special Chemistry (preferably 311 series). Zoology 422 cannot be taken reference to those found in Utah. Three lectures and one labora- without Zoology 421. A W (5-5) " tory or field triP Per week- Prerequisite: A general course in 423. Endocrinology—The function of the endocrine system and the hormonal mechanisms of control in the human organism. 468- Mammalogy-An introduction to the mammals with Three lectures and one lab per week. Prerequisite: Zoology 420 sPecial reference to species found in Utah. Three lectures and or 421. S (4) one laboratory or field trip per week. Prerequisite: A general 440. General Ecology—The physical and biological factors which influence living things. Three lectures and one laboratory 474. Vertebrate Phylogeny-An introduction to some pos- or field trip. Prerequisite: First courses in Life Sciences. S Su (4) sible lines of descent for the major vertebrate groups. Three AAm 4 . , -, , „ . . . . . , , , lectures per week. Prerequisite: A general course in Zoology. 445. Animal Ecology—Ecological principles and concepts w /o\ of animals living in natural environments. Three lectures and ^ one laboratory or field trip per week. Prerequisites: Zoology 211 475. Man and the Primates-An introduction to fossil as or 160, 217, Botany 110 or 364 or by permission of instructor. S (4) well as living primates with an emphasis on possible evolutionary AAO . .. T7 i „ tu, • . .. r i • i j relationships. Three lectures per week. Prerequisite: A general 448. Aquatic Ecology—The interaction of physical and ■ Z -\ „, ,„. u- i.- t » • u ■..• -a, v, ■ a, • course in Zoology. W (3) bio tic factors in aquatic communities with emphasis on their °' v influence on animals, particularly fishes and other vertebrates. 480. Problems in Zoology-A W S Su (1-3) Three lectures and one laboratory or field trip per week. Pre- 495, ¥\&\& Zoology-Credit to be given in this course for requisites: Botany 110 or 364; Zoology 160, 211 or 212. A (4) stuciy conducted on an extended, organized field trip under 450. Parasitology-Internal parasites of man and domestic proper supervision. Prerequisite: A general course in Zoology, animals, their structure and biology. Three lectures and two Su (1-5) laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite: General courses in 499, Seminar-Open only to qualified students. A W S Zoology. W (5) (1.1.1) 455. Medical Entomology—The bionomics and control of arthropods affecting the health of man. Three lectures and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: Zoology 464 or by permission of instructor. W (4) 460. Protozoology—Structure, taxonomy and biology of the one-celled animals. Three lectures and two laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite: General courses in Zoology. A (5) 464. Entomology—Classification and biology of insects a; well as their economic importance and control. Three lectures and one laboratory per week. Prerequisite: A general course ir Zoology. A Su (4)' 220 221 |