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Show Faculty I. Ned Iverson (1970) Instructor of Business Administration, B.S, Brigham Young University, 1968; M.B.A, Northwestern University, 1969. Kiyotoshi Iwamoto (1967) Professor of Economics, B.A, University of Utah, 1944; M.A, Stanford University, 1945; Ph.D, University of Utah, 1964. Lee E. Jackson (1969) Associate Professor of Microbiology, B.S, Brigham Young University, 1955; M.S, University of Texas, 1961; Ph.D, University of Kansas, 1967. Hugh R. Jacobs (1960) Director of Placement and Assistant Professor in Student Personnel, B.S, Brigham Young University, 1957, M.B.A, Utah State University, 1971. Margaret S. Jacobs (1957) Assistant Professor of Family Life, B.S, Brigham Young University, 1926; M.A, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1936. Elaine A. Jarrett (1967) Assistant Professor of Office Administration, B.S, Weber State College, 1965; M.S, Utah State University, 1969. Earl A. Jenne (1960) Assistant Professor of Zoology, B.S, M.S, University of Utah, 1953, 1958. Carl E. Jensen (1969) Coordinator, Community Development and Travel Studies and Assistant Professor of Adult Education, B.A, Sonoma State College, 1966; M.A, Eastern Michigan University, 1969. Don N. Jensen (1967) Director of Upward Bound and Assistant Professor in Student Personnel, B.S, M.S, Utah State University, 1968, 1969. Emron A. Jensen (1963) Professor and Chairman of the Department of Zoology, B.S, M.S, Ph.D, Utah State University, 1950, 1961, 1963. J. LaMar Jensen (1955) Associate Professor and Chairman of the Department of Mathematics. B.S, M.S, University oi Utah, 1953, 1955. J. Neil Jensen (1970) Assistant Professor of Zoology, B.S, M.S, University of Utah, 1964, 1965; Ph.D, Arizona State University, 1969. Sidney Dale Jensen (1963) Assistant Professor oi Electronic Engineering Technology, B.S.E.E, M.S, Utah State University, 1956, 1970. 408 Faculty Richard M. Jenson (1960) Assistant Professor of English, B.S, M.Ed, Utah State University, 1952, 1959. J. Burdett Johnson (1970) Assistant Professor of Elementary Education, B.S, College of Southern Utah, 1957; M.Ed, Utah State University, 1965; Ed. D, University of Wyoming, 1970. Howard M. Johnson (1955) Director, Institute of Trade-Technical Education and Associate Professor of Welding, B.S, M.Ed, Utah State University, 1948, 1959. Mary Ray Johnson (1970) Instructor of Music, B.M, M.M, Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester, 1967, 1969. Cecil L. Jorgensen (1964) Associate Professor of English, B.S, M.S, Utah State University, 1949, 1958. Roydon O. Julander (1960) Associate Professor of Political Science, B.S, M.S, University of Utah, 1958, 1962. John Z. Kartchner (1967) Assistant Professor of Foreign Language, B.A, M.A, Brigham Young University, 1963, 1967. Lenore H. King (1957-58, 1965) Instructor of Learning Resources, B.S, Utah State University, 1952. S. Lee King (1970) Instructor-Specialist in Respiratory Therapy, Washington State University, Carroll College. Richard M. Kinler (1969) Assistant Professor of Psychology, B.A, St. Mary's University, 1965; M.S, Trinity University, 1966. Ronald D. Koller, Jr. (1970) Assistant Professor of Recreation, B.S, Pepperdine College, 1964; M.S, San Francisco State College, 1969. Jean T. Kunz (1970) Professor and Acting Chairman of the Department of Family Life, B.S, University of Idaho, 1940; M.A, George Peabody College, 1956; Ph.D, University of Maryland, 1967. Walker S. Lane* (1968) Assistant Professor of Learning Resources, B.S, West Texas State University, 1963; M.S.L.S, North Texas State University, 1967. Edward C. Larsen (1940-42, 1946) Professor of Business Management, B.S, Utah State University, 1946; M.S. University of Utah, 1948; Ed.D, Utah State University, 1966. * On leave 1971-72 409 |