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Show Education — Health, Physical Education and Recreation Education — Health, Physical Education and Recreation 292. Dance Workshop-Preparation and rehearsal of danceteaching and the acquisition of materials to use in teaching composition to be presented in concert. Prerequisite: P. E. 149.tennis and badminton. Prerequisites: Physical Education 108, (May be taken for 4 total hours with instructors approval) A W126 or 375, and 360. S (2) ' ' 324. Techniques and Materials in Teaching Pep Club Ac- 310. Techniques and Materials for Coaching Football (Men) tivities (Women)—Methods, teaching techniques, and practical —Analysis and study of techniques and materials in the coaching experience in teaching pep club and drill team activities. Pre- of football. Prerequisite: Physical Education 170, or consent of requisite: Physical Education 360. S (2) instructor. A S (2) , . „, , . "■■'—, „ n 330. Techniques and Materials for Teaching Folk, Square 311. Techniques and Materials for Coaching Basketball and Sociai Dance (Men and Women)-Methods, teaching tech- (Men)-Analysis and study of techniques and materials in the njques, and practical experience in teaching folk, square, and coaching of basketball. Prerequisites: Physical Education 136, sociai dance. Prerequisites: Physical Education 146, 152 or 271, 172, or consent of instructor. A (2) (Men), Physical Education 274 (Women), Physical Education 360. 312. Techniques and Materials for Coaching Baseball A W S (2) (Men)-Analysis and study of techniques and materials in the 331 Tecnniques and Materials in Teaching Aquatics (Men coaching of baseball. Prerequisite: Physical Education 270, or and Women)-Designed for the practice of swimming and life consent of instructor. W (2) saying ^^ teaching techniques for all levels of swimming, and 313. Techniques and Materials for Coaching Track and the acquisition of materials to use in teaching swimming. Course Field (Men)—Analysis and study of techniques and materials in leads to Red Cross certification as a Water Safety Instructor— the coaching of track and field. Prerequisite: Physical Education Prerequisite: Physical Education 167. S (2) 128, 172 or consent of instructor. S (2) m Techniques and Materiah in Teaching Modern Dance 314. Techniques and Materials for Coaching Wrestling (Men and Women)—Methods, teaching techniques, and practical (Men)—Analysis and study of techniques and materials in the experience in teaching modern dance. Prerequisites: Physical coaching of wrestling. Prerequisite: Physical Education 131, Education 149, 150 or 275 (Women), and 360. S (2) 270, or consent of instructor. W (2) ,. _ .. .....„, 333. Techniques and Materials in Teaching Gymnastics 320. Techniques and Materials in Teaching Team Sports (Men and Wornen)-The techniques of teaching, the practice of (Women)-The techniques of teaching, the practice of teaching teachin„ and tne acquisition of materials to use in teaching and the acquisition of materials to use in teaching volleyball astice. Prerequisites: Physical Education 116, 117, or 171 speedball, and speedaway. Prerequisites: Physical Education 142 or 173, 373 and 360. A (2) 321. Techniques and Materials in Teaching Team Sports (Women)—The techniques of teaching, the practice of teaching and the acquisition of materials to use in teaching basketball Prerequisites: Physical Education 136 or 273, and 360. W (2; 322. Techniques and Materials in Teaching Individual Sports (Women)—The techniques of teaching, the practice ol teaching and the acquisition of materials to use in teaching archery, golf, and bowling. Prerequisites: Physical Educatior 106, 111, 114 or 175, 373, 374 and 360. A (2) 323. Techniques and Materials in Teaching Individual Sports (Women)—The techniques of teaching, the practice ol Physical Education 350. A W S (5) (Men), 174 (Women), and 360. W (2) 340. Dance Production—A practical application and principles which serve the presentation of dance. The course deals with a choreographic problem including staging, lighting, costumes, and movement. Offered alternate years. Prerequisites: Physical Education 151 and 241. A (2) 350. Kinesiology—A study of muscle structure and motion of the human body with emphasis on kinesiological and mechanical analysis. Prerequisite: Zoology 201, 202. A W S (5) 351. Physiology of Exercise—Effect of muscular movement on the various systems and organs of the body. Prerequisite: 280 281 |