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Show Slaterville will use $8,000 annually from the federal fund given to the county. The cost for lunch for those 60 and older is a $2.00 donation and is $4.50 for anyone under that age. A dinner is served on the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m., at the same cost. Volunteers help with serving and cleaning up after the meals. A Yoga class for seniors is held each Friday at 11:00 a.m. All seniors are encouraged to come, participate and meet fellow senior community members. Appreciation is given to Shauna Meyerhoffer who heads the senior program and the volunteers who make it possible. Two computer classes were held at the Marriott-Slaterville Senior Center for senior citizens Course 1 was a basic computer class which covered three main topics: 1) using the computer, 2) introduction to word processing, and 3) using the internet. The class met twice in September, with each class lasting a half hour. Course 2 was a computer genealogy class held once a week for three weeks, each lasting about an hour. Students learned how to use the computer for genealogical research. Once each month the Intermountain McKay-Dee Senior Health Connection offers senior health care, at the Tuesday lunch hour. The help given by Jennifer Keyes varies; tests for cholesterol and glucose, information on health issues, strokes, heart attacks, etc. For example, the monthly visit on October 10, 2006, was on breast cancer, as October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Alice Hirai, public health nurse, comes once a month for blood pressure testing. Help for advance management such as "living wills" which provides a person the ability to legally limit the degree of medical help desired in illness or accident, is also provided periodically. Applegate Home Care gave flu shots to anyone interested on November 7, 2006, from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. Shots were free for seniors with Medicare B cards and a photo ID. For those without Medicare, the shots were $25.00. Other financial funds have been allocated to the senior center. An auction was held to benefit the senior center during the community July 4th celebration, which brought in about $600. It was suggested by a senior citizen that favorite recipes be collected from residents and printed in a Marriott-Slaterville Cook Book, sharing recipes with current community members, and saving them for future generations. The proceeds from the sales would go to the Senior Center. LaRae Brown, was named chairman; Carolyn Deru, Maurine Parker, Barbara Messerly, Judy Fuller, and Barbara Phipps were named to the committee to undertake the project. They did a wonderful job. Pre-orders were taken for the price of $12.00. The book, with over 250 pages, was printed and on hand in the city office in November. Extra copies were available for $12.00, in time to be an excellent Christmas gift. The project garnered in almost $5000 for the Senior Center. A Friends of the Senior Citizen Center program was launched in December. It requests tax free donations be given from individuals and businesses, to Marriott-Slaterville City for the operation and expansion of the Senior Center programs. Four levels of contributions exist: silver, gold, platinum, and diamond. Contributors will be recognized on a plaque, indicating the level of donation. This will be an ongoing program. AWARDS Our city could not function as well or serve the residents as well without the many volunteers who give of their time and talents. Mayor Keith Butler's State of the City message in the January 2006 Pioneer Post recognized the individuals who received awards in December 2005 for their contributions to the community. As citizens we add our congratulations to those who have helped make our city a better place for all. Our community is very fortunate to have so many citizens who are willing to volunteer for the betterment of the city. A "Mayor's Award" is given to an individual selected by Mayor Keith Butler for special service rendered to the city. At the April 20, 2006, City Council Meeting, Mayor Keith Butler presented John Burt and Ames Israelson with the Mayor's Award, for their volunteer work in the city. Mr. Burt helped in moving the office from the previous location, and in decorating the new offices. Mr. Israelson snowplowed the parking lot during the winter months, at no cost to the city. |