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The Marriott-Slaterville City History Collection was created by the residents of the town to document their history. The collection includes Autobiographies, Oral Histories, History of Marriott, History of Slaterville, and the History of the Merging Townships to create Marriott-Slaterville City. This information has left behind rich histories, stories and important information regarding the history of the Marriott-Slaterville area. |
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Show residential neighborhood. The ordinance was also approved unanimously by the City Council following a public hearing at the council meeting on August 18, 2006. EMERGENCY TRAINING Emergency Response is a major concern for city government. Tuesday, June 20, 2006, was a busy day for our city, when a simulated 7.3 magnitude earthquake disaster exercise was held. The city "suffered significant damage" that was handled as a practical exercise. Before the exercise, preparedness packets were distributed to area coordinators who were also asked to bring five to ten volunteer victims to participate. Council members and the EOC met at 7:00 a.m. for an emergency meeting. Neighborhood coordinators were activated. The scenario included a ruptured chlorine storage tank at the Weber County sewer treatment plant. The Army Reserve 328th Combat Support Hospital was set up for training in Business Depot Ogden, with a 44 bed hospital to care for the "wounded." Participating with them were employees from McKay-Dee Hospital, the Weber County Sheriff's Office and Weber County's mobile command center. A UTA bus and Army Humvees took the wounded to the hospital at BDO. Some victims were transported by life flight to McKay-Dee Hospital, "packaged" completely by EMTs. City and county leaders were pleased with the preparedness exhibited in the mock disaster. This disaster practical training exercise was later evaluated at a council meeting. It was felt that the exercise went very well. Articles in the Standard Examiner reported in detail on the activities. The National Guard, Sheriff's Office, and many other entities beside our own CERT people and volunteer "victims," were involved. Senator Robert Bennett's office sent out an observer. The expertise demonstrated in the exercise showed the degree of preparedness we have in the community, as well as indicated any areas of concern. In July, Resolution 2006-J adopting the Marriott-Slaterville City Emergency operations plan; shelter-in-place and evacuation plan, and national incident management system (NIMS) implementation and compliance, together with the ability to modify the resolution if necessary, was passed unanimously by the City Council. The American Red Cross, Northern Utah Homeland Security Coalition, United Way of Northern Utah, and Weber County have created a database for citizens who feel they would have special needs when a disaster strikes. It is designed so that public safety partners may assist those special needs people who register before a disaster occurs. It can aid public safety organizations in evaluating the number and needs of elderly or homebound people in an emergency. The information is confidential. The site to register is: CRIME People like to think that criminals operate in other communities, not their own. Unfortunately, this is not accurate. Crimes occur within our city and we need to be alert to the problem. Lt. Terry Thompson and Deputy Brooke Fowers of the Weber County Sheriff's Department met with the council at the January meeting. Deputy Fowers is the new CRO (Community Resource Officer) for the city. He is also the EMT Coordinator for the Sheriff's office. Lt. Thompson said there was an armed robbery in the community on the previous Saturday night. He told the council that there is a class offered which can help businesses be more aware of problems and how to handle them. Their department is working with Pilot Oil on crime problems which occur at that business. He sent e-mail updates of the crimes which occur in the city to the council members. Crime analysis is now on a system so a monthly report can be available to help the city address the problems. The February-March issue of the Pioneer Post contained good suggestions about protecting our property from theft. A Neighborhood Watch meeting discussed problems of which residents should be aware. Identity theft is a rapidly growing problem throughout the nation, including our own community. Mail theft is a serious problem, as personal checks have been stolen from residents' mail boxes. Mailbox vandalism is another problem. The postal service is very concerned and representatives met with the city staff about |