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Show Volume VIII Issue 4 Marriott-Slaterville City Newsletter April 2006 1570 West 400 North - Phone 627-1919 Emergency Preparedness and Neighborhood Watch The American Red Cross, Northern Utah Homeland Security Coalition, United Way of Northern Utah, and Weber County have created a database for citizens who feel that they will have special needs when a disaster strikes. This database is designed so that public safety partners may assist those special needs people who register before a disaster occurs. For example, this database can aid public safety organizations in evacuating elderly or homebound people in an emergency. The information in the database is confidential, and only for use by public safety partners. To register for special needs services in a disaster go to: http://www.redcrossutah.org/ema/access.asp Anyone interested in volunteering in the Marriott-Slaterville City Neighborhood Watch and Citizen Emergency Management Team programs please contact Brook Fowers at 627-1919 for more information._ April 15, 2006- 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt for kids ages 1-8 Slaterville Park -10:00 a.m sponsored by: Marriott-Slaterville City Youth Council PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 2006 - 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to order/approval of minutes. 2. Discussion/action on application to amend Marriott-Slaterville Business Park Subdivision at 1100 West. 1700 South to add 11 lots. 3. Discussion/action on manufacturing site plan for light sheet metal operation at 1200 West and substation by Dough Higgins. 4. New business. 5. Zoning and subdivision ordinance revisions. 6. Update on projects. 7. Adjourn until April 18, 2006. This agenda is tentative. Items can and will change. CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 2006 - 6:30 PM 1. Call to order/approval of minutes. 2. Business licenses: a. Sandworks, 812 W. 1700 S., Unit A, assemble off-road vehicles. b. Beatin' the Jones, 749 S. 2000 W., lawn care. 3. Mayor's monthly service awards. 4. Presentation: Holly from Weber Pathways. 5. Discussion/action on noxious weed abatement and "Bag O' Woad" program. 6. Discussion/action on Resolution imposing service fees for the Pioneer Special Service District relating to secondary water, open space, improvement maintenance, and administration. 7. Public hearing on of 2005 final budget for Pioneer Special District and set public hearing for April 20, 2006, on final budget. 8. Public hearing on of 2006 final budget for Pioneer Special District and set public hearing for April 20, 2006, on final budget. 9. Discussion/action on public hearing. 10. Discussion/action on motion to review FY 2005-06 budget, in accordance with UCA 10-6-127, for purposes of amendment and set public hearing on proposed amendment for May 18, 2006. 11. Discussion/action on adoption of tentative FY 2006-07 budget in accordance with UCA 10-6-113, and set public hearing on proposed final budget for May 18, 2006. 12. New business. 13. Officers reports and legislative oversight. 14. Adjourn until April 20, 2006. This agenda is tentative. Items can and will change. Notice: There will be no city newsletter in May. |