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Show Arts, Letters and Science — Botany Arts, Letters and Science — Botany Courses of Instruction ^,2' and five hours of organic chemistry. Three lectures and two laboratory periods. W (5) LS101. Plants in Human Affairs-World survey of the pro- 322 plant p tion and Growth_Princi les and tech. duction and use of plant crops economically importan to mam rf ^^ indud both ^ZlJdlslltl lumber, fibers sugar, grains, fruits beverages spices, etc. Three ^^ J ^£ g at and^sexual lectures a week. This class cannot be used to fulfill requirements Prerequisite: mmy li0. Three lectures "and oneTaborXy§a tor a major or a minor. A W S (3) week (offered alternate years.) S (4) 103 Forest Management-Survey of the professions of for- JJJML Conservation-Proper utilization and preservation estry and the relation of <">^n^ ™£fle f?°f f°reSt of forests, soil, wildlife and other resources. Requisite: Botany resources to the welfare of the state and nation. A (1) no Q1. Zoology 160 Fom. ]ectmes & ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ 104. Elements of Range Management-Natural resources used to fulfill requirements for a major or a minor. A W S Su management. For students in the field of forestry, range, and (4) wildlife. W (1) 345- Plant Ecology-Nature and development of plant com- LS110. General Botany-General education course with em- munities and their relations to the environmental factors con- phasis upon form, function and reproduction of flowering plants. troning them Prerequisites: Botany 110 112 Four lectures a Two lectures, one quiz section and four hours independent lab- wee]c Five ma]01. field trfps win be required for credit s ^ oratory study a week. A W S Su (5) M1 pIant Geography_Distribution of lant ies and 112. Plant Kingdom-Plant kingdom survey emphasizing immunities as affected by past and present climates. Emphasis structure, reproduction and evolution of the major plant groups. )n factors and problems of distribution. Prerequisites: Botany 110 Prerequisite: Botany 110. Three lectures and two laboratory lnd 112. Three lectures a week. W (3) periods a week. W S Su (5) m Mycology-Structure, taxonomy and physiology of the 140. Environment Appreciation-An analysis and definition ungi witn emphasis upon forms important in agriculture, indus- of life quality pointing out how science and technology affect try and medicine. Prerequisites: Botany 110, 112 or Microbiology daily life; including air and water pollution, over-population, XI. Three lectures and two laboratory periods a week. (Offered excessive use of synthetic products, dehumanization of the en- ilternate years.) S (5) vironment and discussion dealing with means of coping effective- 35L Algologv (Formerly Phycology)-A study of the Biol- ly with environmental health problems at the local, national and )gy of AIgae> their morpnology; cyt0logy, development, taxon- international levels. Three lectures a week. A W S (3) )my; ecology, economic and experimental uses. Three lectures LS160. Local Flora-Classification and identification of md two laboratory periods a week. Prerequisite: Botany 112. higher plant forms found in Utah. Three lectures and one lab- Offered alternate years.) A (5) oratory period a week. This class cannot be used to fulfill re- 352. Marine Biology-A study of marine biology and ecol- quirements for a major or a minor. S Su (4) )gy; relating the plant and animal populations of the sea to their 221. Soils-Fundamentals of soils as related to farm, forest 'arious habitats, including the pelagic environment, the sea bot- and garden soils. Emphasizes soil formation, classification, fer- om, sea shores, and estuaries. Prerequisites: Botany 110 and tility and management. Prerequisite: Chemistry 111 or 121 or cur- Zoology 160 or 211. Botany 112 recommended (Offered alternate rently enrolled. Four lectures and one laboratory a week. A (5) 'ears.) W (3) 310. Plant Anatomy-The development of tissues and the LS361. Trees and Shrubs-Native and introduced trees and structure of higher plants. Prerequisite: Botany 110. Three lee- hrubs of the state. Special attention is given to the identifica- tures and two laboratory periods. A (5) ion, culture, and economic importance. Three lectures and one 320. Elementary Plant Physiology-Physiology, respiration, Moratory period a week. This class cannot be used to fulfill growth and reproduction of plants. Prerequisites: Botany 110 and equirements for a major or minor. A S Su (4) 94 95 |