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Show Arts, Letters and Science — Chemistry Arts, Letters and Science — Chemistry preparation should consult with their advisers or the Chemistry Department. Three lectures, one recitation, and one laboratory per week. A W, W S (5-5) 123. Principles of Chemistry-Prerequisite: Chemistiy 122. Three lectures and two laboratory periods per week. A S (5) 213. Quantitative Analysis—Theory and methods of gravimetric and volumetric analysis. Prerequisite: Chemistry 123. Three lecture-recitations and two laboratory periods per week. A W (5) 301. Elementary Physical Chemistry—For non-chemistry majors. Prerequisite: Chemistiy 123. Three lectures and one laboratory period per week. Offered only on sufficient demand. S (4) 305. Elementary Chemical Instrumentation—For non-chemistry majors. Prerequisite: Chemistry 123. Three lectures and one laboratory period per week. Offered only on sufficient demand. S (4) 307. Biochemistry—Prerequisite: Chemistry 312. Four lectures and one laboratory period per week. W S (5) 311, 312, 313. Organic Chemistry—Fundamentals of the chemistry of carbon compounds. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent registration in Chemistry 123. Three lectures and one laboratory period per week. A W S (4-4-4) 320. Methods of Glass Manipulation—A course in the methods and techniques of glassblowing and construction and repair of laboratory apparatus. One laboratory per week. S (1) 341, 342, 343. Physical Chemistry—Prerequisite: Chemistry 213, Physics 261 through 266, and Mathematics 114. Three lectures and one laboratory per week. A W S (4-4-4) 444. Chemical Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics- Prerequisite: Chemistry 343. Three lectures per week. Offered only on sufficient demand. TBA (3) 446. Chemical Kinetics and Molecular Structure—Prerequisite: Chemistiy 343. Three lectures per week. Offered only on sufficient demand. TBA (3) 451. Spectrometric Methods in Chemistry—Theory and practice of spectral analytical methods in the study of chemical systems. Prerequisite: Chemistiy 343 or permission of instructor. Two lectures and one laboratory period per week. A (3) 452. Chromatographic and Electrochemical Methods- Theory and practice of chromatographic and electrochemical analytical methods in the study of chemical systems. Prerequisite: Chemistiy 343. Two lectures and one laboratory period per week. S (3) 460. Inorganic Chemistry—A study of the elements and their compounds based on the periodic table, current theories, and laboratory work. Prerequisites: Chemistry 342 and concurrent registration in Chemistry 343 or permission of instructor. Four lectures and one laboratory period per week. S (5) 470. Qualitative Organic Analysis—Systematic identification of organic compounds by chemical and instrumental methods. Prerequisites: Chemistry 313 and Chemistry 451. One lecture and two laboratory periods per week. W (3) 471. Organic Preparations—Synthesis and properties of selected organic compounds. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent registration in Chemistry 313. Three to nine hours of laboratory work per week. A W S (1-3) 473. Physical Organic Chemistry-Prerequisite: Chemistry 313 and 343. Three lectures per week. Offered only on sufficient demand. TBA (3) 475. Advanced Organic Chemistry—Prerequisite: Chemistry 313 and 343. Three lectures per week. Offered only on sufficient demand. TBA (3) 480. Special Research Problems in Chemistry—Open to qualified students for one or more quarters. A W S (1-5) 499. Seminar—Limited to senior chemistry majors. A W S (1) CHEMISTRY MAJOR, Certified Option (Example Only) Freshman Year Sophomore Year Credits Courses English 101, 102, 103 9 Chemistry 121, 122, 123 15 Mathematics 107, 111, 112 .... 14 Physical Education 3 Area Requirements 9 50 Credits 17 Courses Chemistry 213, 311, 312, 313 Mathematics 113, 114 8 Physics 261 through 266 15 Health Education 100 2 Area Requirements 8 50 100 101 |