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Show Technology — Data Processing Technology — Data Processing One upper division statistics course (Economics 350 suggested) In addition to the above the student must satisfy the college general education requirements. Courses of Instruction A four-year technical program designed to qualify a student at the associate programmer level or as an associate systems analyst. Students completing the four-year program will also fill a minor requirement of their choice and the general education requirement. 100. Concepts of Electronic Data Processing—A general course designed to explore the history of data processing; concepts of data representation for machine handling; flowcharting and stored-program logic; data file manipulation; characteristics of machine-oriented and problem-oriented programming languages; and computer hardware and software features. Designed for the student having no prior data processing experience or training. Five lectures. A W S (5) 120. R.P.G. Programming—Basic computer programming concepts and development techniques. Program development and problem solution using IBM Report Program Generator. Oriented to commercial data processing problems. Prerequisite: Data Processing 100 or permission of instructor. Two lectures, one laboratory. W Su (3) 140. Fortran IV Programming for Business—Application of the FORTRAN IV computer programming language for the solution of business problems using the computer. Prerequisites: Data Processing 100 and Math 105. Three lectures. A S (3) 160. COBOL Programming-Introduction to COBOL programming laguage. Program development techniques oriented to commercial data processing problems. Prerequisite: Data Processing 100 or permission of instructor. Two lectures, one laboratory. S Su (3) 190. Computer Architecture—A fundamental course designed to explore the specific physical and functional characteristics of computer memories and storage devices, control units, arithmetic and logic units, and input/output devices. Topics include word-oriented and coincident addressable core storage; local storage and machine cycles; automatic interrupt systems; program status words; Boolean circuitry and functional logic 270 blocks; and communication channel concepts. Directed to the IBM system/360. Prerequisite: Data Processing 100. Four lectures. W S (4) 210. Operating Systems—An applied course in the concepts, techniques, and use of operating systems involving job management, task management, and data management for computers with multiprocessing capabilities. Topics include the function and organization of supervisors and monitors, assemblers and compilers, linkage editors, libraries, utilities and service programs; system generation; and job control language. Directed to the IBM System/360. Prerequisite: Data Processing 190 or permission of the instructor. Three lectures, one laboratory. A Su (4) 250. PL/I Programming—Applied concepts of programming computers with the PL/I programming language. Prerequisite: Data Processing 100 and a programming language course or permission of instructor. Two lectures, one laboratory. W (3) 260. FORTRAN IV Programming for the Sciences—Applied concepts of scientific programming with the FORTRAN IV programming language. Prerequisite: Math 107. Two lectures, one laboratory. A W S (3) 270. Systems Development and Design—Development and design concepts related to systems and procedure methods for commercial data processing. Topics include charting; methods of coding and condensing data; card and forms design and application design for commercial data processing systems. Prerequisites: Data Processing 100 and a programming language course. Three lectures. W (3) 280. Introduction to Assembler Language Programming— Basic concepts of computer programming with the IBM 360 Assembler Language. Prerequisite: Data Processing 190. Two lectures, one laboratory. A S (3) 290. Management Control Procedures—Management procedures and problems peculiar to the operation of a data processing installation. Scheduling, internal control and operations management techniques. Prerequisites: Data Processing 100 and a programming language course. Two lectures. S (2) 301. Data Processing for Teachers of Secondary Education— A course designed to instruct secondary education teachers in the concepts of data flow, program logic and data processing applied to electronic data processing equipment, and methods of teaching data processing. Su (5) 271 |