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Show Services of the College Services of the College This money is given to students who would otherwise be unable to continue their education. Both of the above Programs are limited to the Registered Nurse Program. College Scholarship Service—Weber State College participates in the College Scholarship Service (CSS) of the College Entrance Examination Board. Participants in CSS subscribe to the principle that the amount of financial aid granted a student should be based upon financial need. The CSS assists colleges and universities and other agencies in determining the student's need for financial assistance. Entering students seeking financal assistance are required to submit a copy of the Parents' Confidential Statement (PCS) form or the student's Financial Statement (SFS) form to the College Scholarship Service, designating Weber State College as one of the recipients. The forms may be obtained from a secondary school or the College. ALL FINANCIAL AIDS ARE PREDICATED UPON THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS AT THE TIME THE APPLICATION IS MADE. FOREIGN STUDENT ADVISEMENT Wayne J. Flitton, Adviser The Foreign Student Adviser gives assistance to foreign students in meeting the U. S. Immigration and Naturalization Service requirements concerning visas, passports, permission to work and related matters. Foreign students are also assisted in making academic, personal-social, and environmental adjustments to campus and community life. Social and cultural events, home hospitality, community activities and the programs of the International Student's Club are coordinated through the Foreign Student Office. STUDENT HEALTH CENTER Russell N. Hirst, M.D., Director Margaret Nicholson, R.N., Nurse The Health Service of Weber State College has been established for the education and protection of students. In the event a student is injured or becomes suddenly ill while on campus, the Security Office should be called, phone 393-0973. The student will then be transported to his doctor, the Student Health Center, or to the hospital, for care. After office hours, the student should call his private physician, or Security Officer for transportation to the hospital. The Student Health Center is located in Annex IV, just north of the Security Office. The center is open from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. The health staff consists of a part-time physician, a part- time psychiatrist, who is also consultant to the counseling staff, and a registered nurse. Treatment and consultation may be arranged for by appointment. Medical care at the Student Health Center is paid from student health service fee. Any further medical care beyond that provided at the Health Center must be paid for by the student or his insurance plan. A health and accident policy for students is available only at time of registration at a special rate. This insurance plan is especially designed for students at Weber State College for protection against medical expenses for injury and illness. Unless protected by some other form of insurance, it is strongly urged that all students take advantage of the low cost insurance plan. Students are encouraged to consult the Health Service on any problem they may have concerning their health. PROSPECTIVE STUDENT SERVICES L. Winslow Hurst, Coordinator The High School Services Office maintains liaison between Weber State College and prospective students. Representatives of the college make scheduled visits to all of the high schools and junior colleges within the state and to selected schools in neighboring states. The purpose of these visits is to inform students and educators of the educational programs available at the college and to provide them with information about application procedures and deadlines. Campus visits for interested student groups, and student and counselor conferences, are coordinated through the High School Services Office. 66 67 |