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Show Faculty Richard M. Alston (1969) Assistant Professor of Economics, B.A., University of Utah, 1966; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell University, 1968, 1970. Ralph A. Andersen (1966) Instructor of Automotive Services, B.S., Weber State College, 1970. Carl E. Andra (1966) Assistant Professor of English, B.S., University of Nebraska, 1956; M.A., Brigham Young University, 1964. Jean Howe Andra (1962) Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages, B.A., University of Utah, 1960; M.A., Harvard University, 1964. Carolyn Andree (1972) Assistant Professor of Family Life, B.S., Texas Tech University, 1965; M.A., Michigan State University, 1967. Wayne Andrews (1969) Assistant Professor of Electronics, B.S., Weber State College, 1966; M.S., University of Southern California, 1969. Robert Dale Apgood (1970) Assistant Professor of Accounting, B.A., Brigham Young University, 1965; M.B.A., University of Utah, 1967; C.P.A. Robert J. Arway (1972) ...Professor of Family Life, B.A., Mary Immaculate Seminary and College, 1945; M.A., Catholic University of America, 1950; Ph.D., Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgique, 1957. Sidney R. Ash (1970) Associate Professor of Geology, A.B., Midland Lutheran College, 1951; B.A., M.S., University of New Mexico, 1957, 1961; Ph.D. University of Reading, England, 1966. Rex R. Ashdown (1968) Assistant Professor of Sociology, B.S., M.S., Utah State University, 1954, 1959, M.S.W., University of Utah, 1959. Terry 1 Mitchell Asia (1972) _ Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts, B.A., M.F.A., University of Portland, 1968, 1970. Duane E. Baldwin (1965) Assistant Professor of Accounting, B.A., M.A., San Jose State College, 1962, 1963, C.P.A. Norris R. Bancroft (1969) Assistant Professor of Psychology, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of South Dakota, 1964, 1966, 1968. 446 Faculty David K. Barber (1970) Instructor of Theatre Arts, B.S., Weber State College, 1967. Florence R. Barton (1960) Associate Professor of Secondary Education, B.S., M.S., Ph.D. University of Utah, 1938, 1958, 1972. Gilbert C. Barton (1963) Associate Professor of Physics, B.S., University of Washington, 1950; M.S., Ph.D., University of Utah, 1959, 1963. Diane C. Baughman (1972) Instructor of Nursing, B.S., University of Utah, 1972. Michael A. Beard (1972) Assistant Professor of Health Occupations, B.S., Utah State University, 1963; M.S., University of Utah, 1970. Karen W. Beaver (1963) Assistant Professor and Director of Licensed Practical Nursing, B.S., University of Utah, 1959; M.S., Brigham Young University, 1972. James R. Beckham (1972) Instructor of Music, B.M., M.M., Texas Tech University, 1969, 1971. Lee A. Beckner (1971) Instructor-Specialist in Continuing Education and Coordinator of Conferences and Institute Studies, B.S., Weber State College, 1972. Robert R. Beishline (1965) Professor of Chemistry, B.S, M.S, Brigham Young University, 1955, 1957; Ph.D, Pennsylvania State University, 1962. Robert W. Belka (1970) Instructor of Foreign Languages, B.A, Weber State College, 1966; M.A, Tulane University, 1968. Francis A. Bud Belnap (1962) Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, B.S, M.S, Brigham Young University, 1961, 1962. Margaret O. Bennett (1969) ...Assistant Professor of Office Administration and Business Education, B.S, M.S, University of Utah, 1959, 1967. Jerome Bernstein (1966) Assistant Professor of History, B.S, M.S, Utah State University, 1957, 1961. Scott B. Birkinshaw (1971) Instructor of Learning Resources, B.M, University of Utah, 1964; M.L.S, Brigham Young University, 1971. 447 |