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Show Education — Teacher Education Education — Teacher Education 342. Kindergarten and Primary Education—The learning characteristics and learning needs of young children and how these are provided for in the program of the kindergarten and first grade. S (3) 343. Creative Processes in the Elementary School—Development of attitudes, methods and skills in creative teaching. Prerequisite: Education 437, 438 or teaching experience. Su (3) 346. The Secondary School Student—Study of the adolescent with emphasis upon understanding his health, processes of adjustment, development of interests, attitudes and values as they relate to teacher responsibilities in the classroom. (3) 350. Theoretical Foundations of Secondary Education- Examines the elements of human behavior and learning as they are related to teaching. WILKITs include Growth and Development, and Needs and Characteristics of Adolescence. Registration for bi-weekly seminar required each quarter. Prerequisite: Education 300. A W S Su (4) 352. Methods of Teaching in Secondary Schools—Instruction and experience in organizing and directing classroom learning activities. Includes lecture and laboratory experiences in the form of assignment for two hours per week in a local secondary school and/or participation in the microteaching clinic. A W S (3) 355. Instructional Skills for Secondary Teachers—Concerned with the development of those basic technical and methodological skills necessary for success in teaching secondary school children. WILKITs include The Four C's of Teaching, Lesson and Unit Planning, Classroom Strategies, Instructional Media, and Techniques for Evaluating Student Performance. Registration for bi-weekly seminar required each quarter. Prerequisite: Education 350. AWSSu(6) 360. Instructional Skills for Elementary Teachers—Developing the professional skills necessary to teach children at the elementary level. Contains WILKITs on lesson and unit planning, classroom management and discipline, and evaluation. A W S Su (4) 361. Audio-Visual Instructional Materials and Resources- Develops a basic pattern for the preparation and use of a wide variety of visual materials. Training in use of audio-visual equipment. Approximate laboratory costs $15.00. A W S (3) 437. Student Teaching in the Elementary School—Supervised teaching in selected elementary school classrooms. Prerequisites: Education 301, 321, 334, 335, 361. A W S (12) 438. Student Teaching in the Elementary School—Supervised teaching in selected elementary school classrooms. Prerequisite: Special approval of Director of Student Teaching. A W S Su (6) 455. Philosophy and Principles of Outdoor Education- Learning beyond the classroom. Purpose is to present basic concepts of outdoor education, and to provide direct, firsthand experiences with learning resources beyond the classroom. A S (3) 456. The Junior High School—The development, philosophy, function and curriculum. Pupils needs and the efforts to meet them. (3) 457. Student Teaching in Secondary Schools—Supervised teaching in secondary school classrooms. Prerequisites: Education 301, 346, 300, 352, 361. A W S (12) 458. Student Teaching in Secondary Schools—Supervised teaching in secondary school classrooms. Prerequisite: Special approval of Director of Student Teaching. A W S Su (6) 459. Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools—Basic principles of reading instruction; nature and scope of the total reading program; methods, materials, and organization of the developmental and corrective reading program in the secondary schools. W (3) 460. The Exceptional Child—An introduction to the understanding of children classed as exceptional for educational purposes. A S (3) 465. Diagnosis of Learning Skills—(Formerly Teaching Remedial Reading I) Analysis and diagnosis of learning difficulties with an emphasis on reading problems. This course will include an introduction to diagnosis of complex learning disabilities. Prerequisite: At least one course in the teaching of reading, or instructor's consent. A W (3) 466. Teaching Remedial Reading—(Formerly Teaching Remedial Reading II) Principles and techniques of remediation with an introduction to the treatment of complex learning disabilities. Prerequisite: Instructor's consent. W S (3) 244 |