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Show Arts, Letters and Science-— Sociology 402. Social Change—Factors influencing the acceptance oi rejection of innovations, and their effects on social institutions, (Offered 1974-75 and alternate years.) (3) 406. Sociological Theory—History of the development ol sociological theories with special emphasis on modern sociological models. Prerequisite: Sociology 101 and an additional It hours of sociology. A W S Su (5) 410. American Minorities—Social relationships of ethnic and racial groups. A W S (3) 465. Methods of Sociological Research—Introduction to the study of the scientific method as applied to sociological research including the logic of science, nature and types of data, defining problems, hypotheses, method of collecting and analyzing of data and writing scientific reports. Three lectures and two 2-hour laboratories a week. Prerequisite: Sociology 360 or equivalent course in statistics. A S (5) 480. Introduction to Marriage Counseling—Principles, philosophy, and techniques of premarital, marriage and family counseling. Consent of instructor required. W (3) 498. Readings and/or Projects—Individual readings and/oi projects for senior sociology majors with approval of instructor AWSSu(2-5) 499. Seminar—Required of all senior sociology majors preparation and discussion of sociological topics. A W S (2) SOCIOLOGY-SOCIAL WORK CONCENTRATION (Option 2) Raymond H. Clark, Coordinator This option is designed to (1) prepare students for graduate Social Work education; (2) prepare students for a beginning level of competence for practice in the field of social work; and (3) provide liberal, interdisciplinary experience to help the student in his understanding of and adjustment to living in a democratic society. The Council on Social Work Education voted in January, 1971, to assume responsibility for standard setting for undergraduate programs in Social Work. This decision makes undergraduate preparation an integral part of training for Social Work and is designed to provide students with the necessary skills required of the beginning practitioner. The Social Work program at Weber State College, in March, 1971, was granted membership in the Council of Social Work Education. Arts, Letters and Science — Sociology Social Work Concentration—For those students who are majoring in Sociology with a Social Work Concentration, it will be necessary for the student to designate his/her major as Sociology with a Social Work Concentration. Those students pursuing a Sociology major with a Social Work Concentration are required to take the following Sociology core courses: Sociology 101, Introduction to Sociology; Sociology 250, Introduction to Social Psychology; Sociology 360, Social Statistics; Sociology 406, Sociological Theory; Sociology 465, Methods of Sociological Research; and Sociology 499, Seminar. In addition to these core courses in Sociology, the following Social Work courses are required: Social Work 130, Introduction to Social Work; Social Work 370, Social Case Work; Social Work 371, Social Group Work; Social Work 372, Community Organization; and Social Work 454, 455 and 456, Social Service Field Experience. Students must also take 6 hours of electives from courses listed under Sociology and 3 hours of electives from courses listed under Social Work. SOCIAL WORK COURSES OF INSTRUCTION 130. Introduction to Social Work (Formerly Soc. 130)-So- cial Welfare as an institution: orientation to social service and social work as a profession. A W S Su (3) 332. Child Welfare (Formerly Soc. 332)-Introduction to child welfare services in the United States. A W S Su (3) 370. Social Case Work (Formerly Soc. 370)-History and principles of casework. A W S Su (3) 371. Social Group Work (Formerly Soc. 371)—Principles and concepts of social group work. A W S Su (3) 372. Community Organization (Formerly Soc. 372)—History, development, and planning of community welfare organization as an aspect of social work. A W S (3) 429. Corrections (Formerly Soc. 429)—Institutional treatment of deviate behavior. Prerequisite: Sociology 327 or 326. A (2) 438. Social Legislation (Formerly Soc. 438)—Insurance and assistance programs in society. W (3) 454. Social Service Field Experience (Beginning) (Formerly Soc. 454)—Supervised field experience in a social service agency. 189 |