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Show Arts, Letters and Science — Music Arts. Letters and Science — Music The requirements are Music Theory: Music 110, 111, 112 210, 211, 212, 379 and 380; Music History and Literature: Musk 301, 308, 309, 310; Music Education: Music 216, 250, 251, 252 319, 320, 321, 322, 420, 425, 426; Applied Music: Private Stud> (6 hours) and Major Ensemble (6 hours). Total 80 hours. Composite Teaching Major in Music Education with Instru> mental Concentration—This program is recommended for the prospective secondary school music educator who wishes to spe cialize in teaching instrumental music. No academic minor i; required. The requirements are Music Theory: Music 110, 111, 112 210, 211, 212, 379, 380; Music History and Literature: Musk 301, 309, 310; Music Education: Music 205, 216, 250, 251, 252, 319 322, 420, 426, 427, 428; Applied Music: Private Study (6 hours; and Major Ensemble (8 hours including 2 hours chorus). Tota! 77 hours. Composite Teaching Major in Music Education with Chora Concentration—This program is recommended for the prospec tive secondary school music educator who wishes to specialize in teaching choral music. No academic minor is required. The requirements are Music Theory: Music 110, 111, 112 210, 211, 212, 379, 380; Music History and Literature: Music 301 308, 310; Music Education: Music 216, 250, 270, 319, 320, 321 339; 420, 422, 425; Applied Music: Private Study (6 hours) anc Major Ensemble (8 hours including 2 hours opera theatre). Total 76 hours. Departmental Major in Music—This program is designed tc fit the needs of students who wish to obtain a baccalaureate degree with a major in music. It is not recommended for the prospective school music educator. An academic minor is required The requirements are Music Theory: Music 110, 111, 112, 210 211, 212, 379, 380, and either 410, 411 or 412, 413; Music Histor> and Literature: Music 301, 308, 309, 310, 311; Applied Music Private Study (6 hours) and Major Ensemble (10 hours). Total 60 hours. Departmental Major in Music with Concentration in Piano- This program is designed to fit the needs of students of pianc who wish to obtain a baccalaureate degree with a major in music It is not recommended for the prospective school music educator An academic minor is required. Music Theory: Music 110, 111, 112, 210, 211, 212, 379, 380, and either 410, 411 or 412, 413; Music History and Literature: Music 301, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312; Applied Music: Private Study (6 hours), Major Ensemble (4 hours) and Accompanying (4 hours). Total 60 hours. Departmental Minor in Music—The following requirements are recommended but may be modified to meet individual needs: Music Theory: Music 110, 111, 112; Music History and Literature: Music 301; Music Education: Either Music 320 or 420; Applied Music: Private Study (3 hours) and Major Ensemble (3 hours). Total 27 hours. Elementary Music Education Concentration—A student in Elementary Education can pursue either a 20-hour or a 40-hour concentration in elementary music education. Before pursuing one of these concentrations, however, the student should consult his adviser in Elementary Education for approval. The requirements for a 40-hour concentration are Music Theory: Music 110, 111, 112; Music History and Literature: Music 301, 310; Music Education: Music 216, 320, 321; Applied Music: Private Study (6 hours) and Major Ensemble (6 hours). The requirements for a 20-hour concentration are Music Theory: Music 169; Music History and Literature: Music 301; Music Education: Music 216, 320, 321; Applied Music: Major Ensemble (4 hours) and Private Study in piano (3 hours) or Music 213, 214, 215. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION HU101. Introduction to Music—Designed for general college and formal appreciation-course students, lay listeners, record collectors, music novices, concert patrons, and discophiles. A W S (3) 110. Music Theory I—The analysis and writing of diatonic harmony in the style of the Bach 4-part chorale. Elementary harmony including ear training, dictation, and keyboard harmony. Primary and secondary triads with inversions, non- harmonic tones, and modulation. A (5) 111. Music Theory I—Continuation of Music 110. W (5) 112. Music Theory I—Continuation of Music 111. S (5) 130. Private Instruction-Piano /Organ. A W S (1) 131. Private Instruction—Voice. A W S (1) 159 |