OCR Text |
Show Index Professional Courses 269 Physical Science Area Requirements 252 Physics Department 165 Placement Center 72 Planetarium 78 Plumbing 407 Police Science Department 169 Political Science and Philosophy Department....172, 394 Portuguese 393 Practical Nursing Program 373 President's Message 5 Probation 33 Prospective Student Service 67 Psychology Department ....179, 396 Public Health 149 Radio Broadcasting 109 Radiologic (X-Ray) Technology 366 Range Management-Pre 97 Readmission 17 Recreation Courses 274 Refunds 25, 390 Registration 20 Audit 21 Changes 21, 23 Late 20 Maximum 20 Normal 20 Repeat Courses 30 Research and Development Center 433 Residence Requirements 36 Respiratory Therapy -369 ROTC 72, 151 Russian 128 Sales and Office Administration..308 Sales and Retailing 310 Scandinavian 393 Scholarships -54, 63, 64 Secondary Education Department 250, 401 Secretarial Science 229, 399 Typing 230, 399 Shorthand -230, 399 Security 78 Services of the College 61 Shorthand .230, 399 Skills Center North -415 Smoking 31 Social Science Area Requirements 253 Social Standards 30 Social Work 188 Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work Department 185 Spanish 128 Special Examinations 35 Specific Course Requirements.... 38 Speech 109, 391 Staff 484 State Requirement in American History, Government and Economics (Senate Bill 39)-... 38 Student Personnel Services 61 Student Teaching 249, 254 Summer School 23, 26 Suspension from School 33 Swedish 393 Teacher Corps 236 Teacher Education Program 236 Admission 237 Individualized Performance- Based 240 Internship 241 Over-View 239 Retention 237 Teaching Majors 50, 251, 252 Teaching Minors 50, 254 Technology, School of 281, 402 Television Broadcasting 109 Testing 33 Theatre Arts Department 191 Theatre Program 193 Traffic 78 Transcript of Credits 25 Transfer Students 16 Travel Study 389 Tuition 22, 390 Typing 230, 399 Union, WSC 74 Upholstery 408 Upward Bound 74 Utah State Board of Higher Education 435 Veterans Affairs 71 Veterinary Medicine-Pre 200 Vocational Education, Skills Center 420 Welding 354 Withdrawal From College 22 From a Course 21 Work-Study Program 65 Women's Environ Institute 73 Zoology Department 198 502 Editor Dee W. Flitton, Ph.D. Janet Holmes |