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Show Education — Teacher Education 361. Audio-Visual Instructional Materials and Resources- Develops a basic pattern for the preparation and use of a wide variety of visual materials. Training in use of audio-visual equipment. Approximate laboratory costs $15.00. A W S (3) 437. Student Teaching in the Elementary School—Supervised teaching in selected elementary school classrooms. Prerequisite: Education 301, 321, 334, 335, 361. (12) A W S 438. Student Teaching in the Elementary School—Supervised teaching in selected elementary school classrooms. Prerequisite: Special approval of Director of Student Teaching. (6) 444. Programmed Learning—Backgrounds and research in programmed instruction. Experiences in the operation and use of some of the common teaching machines and in programming materials for instruction. (3) 455. Philosophy and Principles of Outdoor Education- Learning beyond the classroom. Purpose is to present basic concepts of outdoor education, and to provide direct, firsthand experiences with learning resources beyond the classroom. (3) 456. The Junior High School—The development, philosophy, function and curriculum. Pupils needs and the efforts to meet them. (3) 457. Student Teaching in Secondary Schools—Supervised teaching in secondary school classrooms. Prerequisites: Education 301, 346, 300, 352, 361. A W S (12) 458. Student Teaching in Secondary Schools—Supervised teaching in secondary school classrooms. Prerequisite: Special approval of Director of Student Teaching. A W S Su (6) 459. Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools—Basic principles of reading instruction; nature and scope of the total reading program; methods, materials, and organization of the developmental and corrective reading program in the secondary schools. (3) 460. The Exceptional Child-An introduction to the understanding of children classed as exceptional for educational purposes. (3) 461. Problems of Mental Deficiency—The identification and characteristics of the mentally retarded child, and a study of his psychological, social and educational problems. (3) 462. Curriculum for the Intellectually Handicapped—Cur riculum construction and design, and the learning experiences and materials of instruction for use with the intellectually handicapped. (3) 463. Organization and Management of Classrooms for the Intellectually Handicapped—Teaching methods and procedures. To be taken concurrently with, or just prior to Education 464. (3) 464. Student Teaching of Intellectually Handicapped—Supervised student teaching. Prerequisites: Education 460, 461, 462. (3) 465. Diagnosis of Learning Skills—(Formerly Teaching Remedial Reading I) Analysis and diagnosis of learning difficulties with an emphasis on reading problems. This course will include an introduction to diagnosis of complex learning disabilities. Prerequisite: At least one course in the teaching of reading, or instructor's consent. (3) 466. Teaching Remedial Reading—(Formerly Teaching Remedial Reading II) Principles and techniques of remediation with an introduction to the treatment of complex learning disabilities. Prerequisite: Instructor's consent. (3) 467. Evaluating Pupil Growth—Familiarization with the various means of assessing pupil growth. Recording and using evaluative data. (3) 468. Guidance Techniques for the Classroom Teacher—Principles and techniques in working with individual and group adjustment problems. (3) 470. Learning in the Schools—Principles of learning and their application to the school situation. Prerequisite: Education 488 or 495. A W S (3) 471. School Organization, Management and Law—An overview of the general patterns of organization and administration of educational programs with emphasis on human relations and interactions. Attention is given to our present legal system. Prerequisite: Education 488 or 495. A W S (3) 475. Aerospace Education—Concerned with knowledge, skills, attitudes and communication about aerospace activity, and the impact of air and space vehicles upon society. (3) 476. Advanced Aerospace Education—Helps teachers of aerospace develop an understanding of the political, economic, social and educational implications of aerospace technology. (3) 481. Supervision of Student Teachers—The cooperating 231 230 |