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Show Education — Family Life life cycle. Laboratory experience included. Offered on sufficient demand. (3) 306. Introduction to Experimental Foods—An experimental approach is used to gain an understanding of the purpose of ingredients and procedures used in the preparation of common foods. Offered on sufficient demand. (3) 403. Advanced Meal Management for the Family—Application of the principles of food purchasing, menu planning, food preparation and meal service. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor. S (3) Management and Consumer Education 110. Management for Effective Living—Management of human and material resources as they relate to time, energy, material, skills and family relationships. Comparison of families with respect to goals sought, resources available and managerial behavior. A W S (3) 115. Family Finance—Understanding the significances of values, goals, attitudes, planning, and spending of family resources, as they relate to increasing satisfaction and promotion of good relationships within the family. A W S (3) 315. Consumer Problems—The role of the family and its members as consumers. Current aspects of consumer behavior. A W S (3) 316. Household Equipment—Principles of selection, use and care of household equipment as related to various consumer needs and interests. S (3) Housing and Environmental Design 120. Environmental Design (Formerly Home Furnishings 121)—Knowledge, comprehension and application of the elements and principles of design as they relate to individual and family goals. A W S (4) 121. Interior Design I (Formerly Applied Interior Design 120)—Application and analysis of the elements and principles of art as they relate to and enhance human and family aspects of Interior Design. Prerequisite: Family Life 120. Two lectures, one 3-hour laboratory period a week. W (3) 321. Interior Design II (Formerly Problems in Interior Design II)—Synthesis and evaluation of Interior Design problems Education — Family Life based on design criteria and family environment. Prerequisite: Family Life 121. Two lectures and one 3-hour laboratory a week. S (3) 325. Furniture Design and History—Identification of major furniture periods, styles, woods, finishes, decoration, construction and fabrics; analysis and coordination of the above as used in Interior Design. One lectures and one 3-hour laboratory a week. A (2) 425. Architecture and Interiors—Knowledge and application of basic procedures used for developing and reading a floor plan. Interpretation of floor plans as they relate to decorating problems and family activities. Three lectures. S (3) Clothing and Textiles 130. Clothing Construction—Basic clothing construction techniques with emphasis on the relationship between technique and product. A W (3) 132. Dynamics of Clothing—Use of clothing to express personality characteristics and to create optical illusions. Analysis of clothing as an art form and as an expression of the times. W (3) 230. Pattern Design and Dress Construction—Principles of clothing construction with emphasis on flat pattern design, alteration of commercial patterns, and personal fitting problems applied to a dress. AW (3) 235. Family Textiles—Fibers, yarns, fabric structure, and finishes as they are related to buying, wear, use, care, and laundering of clothing and household fabrics. A W S (3) 330. Advanced Clothing Construction—Application of principles involved in construction of suits and coats. Prerequisite: Family Life 130 or consent of instructor. W S (3) 335. Behavioral Aspects of Clothing—Explores the question of why people dress the way they do. Analysis of clothing behavior with emphasis on contemporary uses based on a variety of theories. A W S (3) 430. Comparative Clothing Construction Techniques—A study of current techniques and intricate construction details using skill in construction techniques to develop creativity, |