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Show Faculty Wallace K. Nalder (1956) Professor and Chairman of the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, B.S, M.S, Ed.D, University of Utah, 1950, 1961, 1967. Thomas R. Neff (1968) Associate Professor of Geology, B.S, M.S, University of Utah, 1960, 1963; Ph.D, Stanford University, 1969. Leonard A. Nicholas (1963) Assistant Professor of Data Processing, B.S, Weber State College, 1967, M.S, Colorado State University, 1970. Penny E. Nicholson (1971) Instructor-Specialist in Continuing Education, B.A, Luther College, 1970. John Louis Ninnemann (1971) Assistant Professor of Microbiology, B.A, Saint Olaf College, 1966; M.S, North Dakota State University, 1968; Ph.D, Colorado State University, 1971. Benjamin M. Noid (1963) Associate Professor of Communication, B.A, University of Pacific, 1950; M.A, Ph.D, University of Utah, 1956, 1968. Daily E. Oliver (1970) Instructor in Ethnic Studies, B.S, University of Utah, 1965. Janet Olsen (1972) Instructor in Continuing Education, B.S, Weber State College, 1972. Jennings G. Olson (1949) Professor of Philosophy and Director of Honors Program, B.S, M.S, University of Utah, 1946, 1947; Ed.D. University of California at Los Angeles, 1951. Helen F. Ormsby (1970) ..Assistant Professor of Sociology, B.S, M.S.W, University of Utah, 1959, 1961. JoAnn Otte (1966) Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, B.S, M.S, Utah State University, 1960, 1970. H. Wayne Overson (1971) Instructor of Police Science, B.S, Weber State College, 1970; M.S, Eastern Kentucky, 1971. Lawrence H. Palletti (1971) ..Assistant Professor of Military Science, Major U.S. Armv, B.S, Drexel University, 1960. Faculty Alfredo Pando (1971) _ ...Instructor-Specialist in Ethnic Studies, B.A, College of Artesia, 1970. O. Reese Parker (1972) ..Assistant Professor of Learning Resources, B.S, M.S, Florida State University, 1965, 1967. Sonia C. Parker (1966) Instructor of Licensed Practical Nursing, B.S, Brigham Young University, 1961. Blaine P. Parkinson (1962) Professor of Secondary Education, B.S, M.S., Ph.D, University of Utah, 1951, 1959, 1964. E. Fred Pashley, Jr. (1968) Associate Professor of Geology, B.S, M.S, Ohio State University, 1952, 1956; Ph.D, University of Arizona, 1966. Terry E. Paskins (1965) Instructor of Welding and Coordinator of Off-Campus Studies, B.S, M.S, Utah State University, 1963, 1971. Elray L. Pedersen (1965) Assistant Professor of English, B. S, M.A, Brigham Young University, 1962, 1964. Annette Peel (1967) Instructor of Learning Resources, B.S, Weber State College, 1964; M.L.S, University of Washington, 1969. Joy Peterson (1972) Instructor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, B.S, Utah State University, 1966; M.S, Brigham Young University, 1969. Levi S. Peterson (1965) Professor and Chairman of the Department of English Language and Literature, B.A, M.A, Brigham Young University, 1958, 1960; Ph.D. University of Utah, 1965. Marvin J. Peterson (1956) Assistant Dean of Students and Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, B.S, M.S, Utah State University, 1956, 1960. Jay W. Phippen (1966) Assistant Professor of Electronic Engineering Technology, B.S, M.S, Utah State University, 1960, 1967. Rosemary C. Phillips (1970) Instructor of Anthropology, B.A, University of Utah, 1967; M.A, Brandeis University, 1969. William D. Poe (1966) Associate Professor of Sociology, B.S, M.S, M.S.W, University of Utah, 1949, 1955, 1962. 466 467 |