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Show 578 College of Science Visit with Marilyn Diamond, the Honors advisor, to be cleared for graduation with Departmental Honors. (626- 7336) mdiamond (Sweber.edu • Students e arn ing dep a rtmental hon o rs wil 1 be recognized in the following ways: • "Department of Geosciences Honors" designation on the transcript. • "Department of Geosciences Honors" printed on the degree diploma. • Personalized letter signed by the President of Weber State University and the Honors Director. • Invitations to Honors Program educational and social events. Invitation to Honors Nye-Cortez banquet at the end of Fall or Spring semester where students receive their Honors medallion. For more information, contact: Dr. Rick Ford Dept. Honors Advisor 626-6942 Ms. Marianne Bischoff Geosciences Dept. Secretary 626-7139 Dr. Judy Elsley Honors Director 626-6801 Course Descriptions - GEO Department of Geosciences GEO 1020 - Dinosaurs and the Fossil Record Credits: (3) An introduction to the nature of the fossil record and a review of the major events in the history of life, including the rise of dinosaurs and mass extinctions. A writing intensive course requiring a term paper using library resources. Three lectures per week. GEO 1030 PS - Earthquakes and Volcanoes Credits: (3) Typically taught: Fall [Full Sem, Online] Spring [Full Sem, Online] Summer [2nd Blk, Online] The causes, distribution, and effects of earthquakes and volcanoes within the framework of global plate tectonics. Development of problem solving and analytical thinking skills are emphasized through homework assignments related to geologic processes. Three lectures per week. GEO 1060 PS - Environmental Geosciences Credits: (3) Typically taught: Fall [Full Sem, Online] Spring [Full Sem, Online] Summer [Online] The scientific study of the interaction of humans and earth systems including topics of natural hazards; soil, water, energy and mineral resources; and issues of global change. Three lectures per week. GEO 1065 - Environmental Geosciences Lab Credits: (l) Typically taught: Fall [Full Sem] Spring [Full Sem] Laboratory and field exercises involving analysis of geologic data related to environmental issues or problems. Application of the scientific method and development of basic computational and map interpretation skills will be stressed. One three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: GEO 1060 , or concurrent enrollment. GEO llio PS - Dynamic Earth: Physical Geology Credits: (3) Typically taught: Fall [Full Sem, Online] Spring [Full Sem, Online] Summer [Online] Fundamental principles of geology emphasizing physical aspects of the Earth including earth materials, plate tectonics, and the effects of water, wind and ice on the Earth's surface. Useful for all students, and recommended as the first geology course for students with majors/minors in geosciences, science teaching, archaeology, and pre-engineering. Three lectures per week. Optional field trip to observe local geologic features. GEO 1115 - Physical Geology Lab Credits: (l) Typically taught: Fall [Full Sem] Spring [Full Sem] The study of minerals and rocks in hand specimens, as well as surficial processes of the Earth revealed by topographic maps and air photos. One three-hour lab per week. Prerequisite: GEO 1110 or GEOG 1000 , or concurrent enrollment in either class. GEO 1130 PS - Introduction to Meteorology Credits: (3) Typically taught: Fall [Full Sem] Spring [Full Sem] Summer [lst Blk] Survey of atmospheric processes that create weather. Topics include solar radiation, temperature, moisture, pressure, wind, storm systems, weather forecasting, and air pollution. Problem solving skills and use of satellite imagery included. Three lectures per week. GEO 1220 - Historical Geology Credits: (4) Typically taught: Spring [Full Sem] The history of the Earth and the methods used to interpret Weber State University 2014-2015 Catalog |