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Show College of Social & Behavioral Sciences 687 PSY 3550 - Psychology of Consciousness Credits: (3) The study of the nature, origins, evolution, and functions of brain, mind and consciousness as these pertain to sensation, perception, learning, memory, cognition, motivation, emotion, behavior, and social relationships from a contemporary neuro-cognitive science perspective. Prerequisite: Introductory Psychology (PSY 1010 ), Biopsychology (PSY 2730) and instructor consent required; recommend some background in Introductory Philosophy, Perception, and/or Cognition. PSY 3560 - Group Dynamics and Counseling Credits: (3) Principles of effective small group behavior. Awareness of group forces and pressures and development of insights into personal relationships in groups. Theoretical and experiential approaches to Group Counseling. Prerequisite: PSY 1010 . PSY 3600 - Statistics in Psychology Credits: (3) Techniques of data collection and analysis for application to experimental research in Psychology. Prerequisite: MATH 1010 or equivalent. PSY 3605 - Psychology Statistics Lab Credits: (l) This course covers the application of statistical, database, and graphical software for psychological research analysis and presentation. Pre-requisite or co-requisite: PSY 3600 or equivalent. PSY 3610 - Research Methods in Psychology Credits: (4) Scientific methods of behavioral research. Emphasis upon design, conducting, and analysis of experiments on human and animal behavior as well as proposal writing and critiques of experimental literature. Prerequisite: PSY 1010 and PSY 3600 or equivalent with prior approval from the Department Chair. Prerequisite/co-requisite: PSY 3605 or equivalent with prior approval from the Department Chair. PSY 3710 - Physiological Psychology Credits: (3) Basic neuroanatomy and neurophysiology at a molecular level with emphasis on cell membranes, receptors, neurotransmitters, drug and hormonal actions. Analysis of motor and regulatory systems, cognitive processes of learning, memory and language. An emphasis on neural structures and functions relating to normal and abnormal behavior. Prerequisite: PSY 2730 or ZOOL 2100 or equivalent; or permission of instructor. PSY 3730 - Perception Credits: (3) Sensory and perceptual processes whereby living organisms acquire information about the world through the sensory structures, and then select, organize and interpret that information. Prerequisite: PSY 1010 . PSY 3740 - Drugs and Behavior Credits: (3) This course provides an in depth analysis of drugs on behavior. Topics include how drugs affect the brain, and consequently behavior, the underlying brain and environmental factors thought to be responsible for drug addiction, tolerance, and sensitivity, pharmacological treatment of major psychological disorders, the classification of common psychoactive drugs, and mechanisms of action of commonly abused drugs. Prerequisite: NEUR 2050 or PSY 2730 or instructor approval. PSY 4000 - Advanced General Credits: (3) A senior level review of modern concepts in all the major areas of psychology. Designed to help a student prepare for the advanced part of the GRE in psychology. Strongly recommended for those who plan to teach psychology. Prerequisite: PSY 1010 . PSY 4050 - Evolutionary Psychology Credits: (3) Examines origins and evolutionary development of early hominid and contemporary human behavior, e.g., competition and cooperation, mating, reproductive and care- giving strategies, and kinship behaviors. Includes ethological, sociobiological, and social psychological perspectives. Prerequisite: PSY 1010 . PSY 4090 - History and Systems of Psychology Credits: (3) Early philosophical origins and contributions to psychology; critical contrasts of systems and schools on major issues. Prerequisite: PSY 1010 . PSY 4310 - Introduction to Counseling Theories Credits: (3) A didactic introduction to the major theories of counseling and therapy plus an introduction to the research findings associated with effectiveness of therapy and principles of behavioral change. Prerequisite: (Required) PSY 1010 and PSY 3010. PSY 4340 - Skills and Techniques of Counseling Credits: (3) Provides skills and techniques for counselors, ministers, social workers, and other professionals who serve a helping function. Three hours of lecture and two hours of lab/week. Prerequisite: (Recommended) PSY 4310 or equivalent and permission of the instructor. PSY 4380 - Practicum Credits: (2) Placement of students in state and community agencies for the purpose of providing supervised practice in application of psychological skills and knowledge. A maximum of four credit hours counted toward the psychology major and minor from the following courses: PSY 2890 , PSY 4890 ,4380 and PSY 4390 . Prerequisite: 18 credit hours of psychology courses, one of which must be PSY 1010 . Other courses will be at the discretion of the supervising instructor. Also, permission of the instructor is required. May be repeated 2 times for a maximum of 4 credit hours. Weber State University 2014-2015 Catalog |