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Show Academic Information 37 T—Temporary Grade • The course is being continued in the subsequent semester and a grade and credits will be calculated when the course is complete and a letter grade has been issued. The "T" grade is approved for specific courses only. UW—Unofficial Withdrawal • Indicates the student stopped attending the course without officially withdrawing. Note: UWs are calculated as failing grades in the student's semester and cumulative grade point averages. W—Withdrawal • The student withdrew from the course in the interval comprising the 16th through the 50th business day of a semester or the 30th business day of a block. Withdrawals are not permitted after the 50th business day of a semester or 30th business day of a block. Changing of Grades • Grades may be changed only by the instructor who submitted the original grade. • Students who feel their work has been evaluated unfairly should contact the instructor. • Students who choose to complete a course on a credit/no credit basis may petition the Registrar's Office to have a CR grade replaced by the earned letter grade if they recently changed their major or minor and need the letter grade to meet graduation requirements for the new major or minor. Repeat Courses • Repeated courses will be automatically flagged as part of the grading process at the end of each term. • Each course (unless specifically listed as repeatable for credit in the course description) may be used only once in cumulative hours and GPA. • A course will appear on the transcript each time it is completed, but it will be counted only once in total hours and only the most recent letter grade received will be used to calculate the GPA (CR is not considered a letter grade and will not cause a previous grade to be discounted). • Once a bachelor's degree has been posted to a student's permanent record, courses used for that degree may not be repeated to improve their GPA. Academic Renewal Policy 1. The applicant for academic renewal must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student or must have been enrolled during the previous term. Students who are not currently enrolled and who cannot obtain financial aid until their GPA is recalculated using Academic Renewal should begin the process with Academic Records and take written evidence of the initiation of this process to the Financial Aids Office. 2. Academic renewal may be requested only once during a student's academic career. 3. Once a certificate, associate, or bachelor degree is awarded by Weber State University or received as a transfer credit, any Weber State course(s) completed prior to the completion of that certificate or degree will not qualify for academic renewal. However, WSU courses completed after receiving a certificate or associate degree, but before completion of a bachelor degree, are eligible for renewal if they meet the requirements. 4. The policy does not apply to graduate students or students pursuing a second bachelor's degree. 5. Grades of "D+" or less which were earned six years or more prior to the petition date will not be computed in the grade point average. 6. Academic requirements may not be satisfied by courses to which academic renewal has been applied. 7 Hours not used for grade point average purposes are not used to satisfy total and upper division credit hour requirements. 8. The Academic Renewal Policy will apply only to courses taken at Weber State University. 9. Only the calculation of a student's grade point average will be affected by this policy. 10. This policy applies to WSU GPA calculation only. A student's GPA when transferring or applying for graduate/professional schools will be calculated according to the policy of that institution, i.e. the receiving institution may average the grades or use the original grades. 11. Students who are applying for academic renewal and graduating in the same semester must notify the Graduation Department. Appliedtions for academic renewal and detailed policy information are available at the Records Office or at www. weber. edu/records. Credit by Examination or Petition Contact: Records Office Location: Student Services Center, Room 101 Telephone: 801-626-6100 Students may receive WSU degree credit by examination or petition under the following restrictions: • The student must be a WSU-admitted student. • The student must pay the appropriate recording fee in addition to specific test fees. • Credit will not be given if it duplicates previous examinations, petitions or course work for which a student received a grade (A-E) or notation I, T, W, UW, CR, NC, or if the student has registered for the equivalent course covered by the examination or petition. Weber State University 2014-2015 Catalog |