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Show LETRS based spelling curriculum 76 irst Grade Review: VCe long vowel pattern in F single syllable words Spelling List: a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e cake these kite bone cube tape here five rope rude Day 1 Introduction to VCe (5 minutes):Vowel-consonant-e,or VCe, a syllable that has a silent e at the end makes the vowel sound long. For example, if you add an e to the word tap, it becomes tape. Notice how the e at the end is silent, but it changes the vowel sound to the long a. ry this same example for each of the spelling words: T cak, cake, tap, tape, the, these, her, here, kit, kite, fiv, five, bon, bone, rop, rope, cub, cube, rud, rude. Watch this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp1UmVSlLJ4 onsonants and Vowels (5 minutes):Students will colorcode the C consonants and vowels for each spelling word. They will need a black and red writing tool. The teacher will guide the students on the whiteboard or smartboard with corresponding colored writing tools. Students will do this on the 3x5 Word Sort table found in the resources. Have students write consonants in black and vowels in red on the table. On the first column write the vowel a_e and under that write the words cake and tape. On the second column write e_e and under that write the words these and here. On the third column write i_e and under that write the words kite and five. On the fourth column write o_e and under that write the words bone and rope. On the fifth column write u_e and under that write the words cube and rude. Verbally emphasize the long vowel sounds on each word together. a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e cake these kite bone cube ta pe here five rop e rud e Spelling dictation (2 minutes):The teacher will saythe following sentence |