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Show LETRS based spelling curriculum 326 onsonants and Vowels (5 minutes):Students will color code the C consonants and vowels for each spelling word. They will need a black and red writing tool. The teacher will guide the students on the whiteboard or smartboard with corresponding colored writing tools. Students will do this on the 3x4 Word Sort table found in the resources. Have students write consonants in black and vowels in red on the table. Write the y as a consonant at the top of the first column in black. Write the y= short i at the top of the second column in black. Write irregular at the top of the 3rd column in black. Under the first column write the y as a consonant words (consonants in black and vowels in red): yellow, year, yawn. Under the second column write y= short i words (consonants in black and vowels in red): gym, myth, crystal. Under the third column write irregular words (consonants in black and vowels in red): half, front, door. After writing all the words, recite each word, sound out each sound in the word, emphasize when y makes the long i and long e sound. This activity helps students visualize the vowels and consonants in the words. y as a Consonant y= short i irregular yellow gym half year myth front yawn crystal door pelling dictation (2 minutes):The teacher will saythe following sentence S out loud and the students will write it down. The students will spell the best to their ability, including the correct capitalization and punctuation. Afterwards the teacher will write the sentence on the board. The students will correct any mistakes they made, including capitalization and punctuation with a different colored pen. “The door is yellow.” Day 2 P honeme-grapheme mapping (5 minutes):Count how manysounds each word has by moving a chip or penny into each box. For example shy has 2 sounds /sh/ /ī/. Each sound is represented in each box and has a spelling that represents that sound. Move the chip or penny and write each spelling into the boxes. Students will do this activity on the phoneme-grapheme map found in the resources. See page 249 in LETRS handbook. This is a great opportunity to review vowel teams, CCVC short vowel, VCe and digraphs. y e ll y ea r ow yellow year |