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Show LETRS based spelling curriculum 88 First Grade Review: Floss rule (f, l, s, z doubling) Spelling List: -ff -ll -ss off bell boss cuff hill less puff doll kiss Day 1 Introduction to the floss rule (5 minutes): The floss rule: Double the f, l, and s when they come after a short vowel sound at the end of a one-syllable word. It is called the floss rule because the letters f, l and s sounds like the word floss and it makes it easier to remember. The letter z is added to this rule such as buzz, fuzz and jazz but this week we will focus on the f, l and s. ometimes there are exceptions to this rule because of the history of the S word such as bus because that bus came from the word autobus. The word gas is the shortened word for gasoline. Other exceptions: if, chef, of, pal, was, yes, this, us, is Watch this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPcl5i30IGI onsonants and Vowels (5 minutes):Students will colorcode the C consonants and vowels for each spelling word. They will need a black and red writing tool. The teacher will guide the students on the whiteboard or smartboard with corresponding colored writing tools. Students will do this on the 3x5 Word Sort table found in the resources. Have students write consonants in black and vowels in red on the table. On the first column write the vowel -ff and under that write the words off, cuff and puff. On the second column write -ll and under that write the words bell, hill and doll. On the third column write -ss and under that write the words boss, less and kiss. Visually emphasize the f, l and s in each word. -ff -ll -ss off bell boss cuff hill less |