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Show Classicalia At the Classicalia, which will "be held Friday, April 8, in the White City Ballroom, a pageant will "be presented by the girls' gym classes. During the course of the pageant solo dance numbers will be rendered by Shirley Williams as Apollo, Nedra Silverthorne as Diana, and Geraldine Wadsworth as Phospher. marion The Classicalie, the annual stag ball, is the only costume dance sponsored by the student body during the school year, A Queen, two maids of honor, and six attendants will reign during the course of the evening's festivities. Jennie Bekker, Lottie Lund, and Vivian Polidor are the remaining candidates and popular vote of the student body will deter¬mine which of the three is to be Queen. The price of admission is forty cents. Jerrald Young. Gossip So there's one girl who (of all three) still admires Eugene B! I wonder whom—she seems to keep her name a deep secret! K. W. thinks he's "quite the one" to get his name on the "Tattler" so often, but the school thinks it's quite a joke and they're laughing at him—not with him.! Sorry M. L. M., but G. S. is determined to lead a batchelor's life—besides there's keen rivalry. (R. E.) The latest "lover's nook" seems to be the telephone booth. We've harped and razzed the notable lovers of the schools but we seem to have slighted Clyde C. and B. A. S. I wonder if the two girls who had to sing "You Two Can Be the Life of the Party" for being late to Mr. Armstrong's English class will come in a little earlier after this. Harold Adams, whose secretary gets anxious about the time every afternoon around 4:45 and who say she's a good worker but a little cock-eyed, writes that she hears from her friends how greyhound racing is quite popular in the South, but can't quite understand how they get so many of those big busses on one track. Peek Peek. |