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Show Reminiscence of a Pioneer By Stomo Ochi As told to the faculty by Le Conte Stewart I have been a pioneer in my work here in the Ogden High School, Now I am going to leave a place wherein I have lived long enough to call it home. I have learned to love this this town ana the people here, and it is with mixed feelings that I speak now, for I am leaving friends for whom I have the finest regards; I hope their friendship for me will endure. Art is a queer thing. It's different from most things. The time to do a thing in art is when you feel like it. It's the creative force and energy that drive. When I first came here, my work was like ploughing new furroughs. I had new ideas "but found them hard to put into use. I had graduated from art academies in the East and had spent three years is Hawaii, decorating. When I entered the department here, everything was being adorned. Cat-tails were painted gold and put into vases ana called art. The prints were never original, but some¬thing copied. I considered these anything but art, but when I tried to reform things, I lost fifty per cent of my students the first year. However, I persevered end gradually introduced my own ideas that I had brought from the East. I ordered textbooks and blocks and spheres, introduced still life in water colors and oils, promoted commercial art for some oi the advanced students, and started color blending and match¬ing work. I made application of composition theories and daily pounded into my students that drawing is a means of representing things. Fin¬ally the art department grew, and be came a utility department for the school, much as the manual training department, doing painting jobs for stage scenery and decorations and creating posters for advertis¬ing. Seeing the growth of tl e department and knowing its developement, I feel that I have achieved something and that I have received reward end encouragement. I have tried to instil the love of art into my students. But I can't lord over them, for I'm just one of them. When I leave for the University, I hope they'll remember that and think of me in that light. Even now as I say these things, I think of a girl in one of my classes. The morning after the announce¬ment was published in the papers, this girl tipped her head to one side as I entered the room, glanced over me curiously, and piped "Good morning, Professor Stewy"! EDITORIAL Another Milestone Milestones mark the route and the distance of a road. Commencement and graduation are milestones in the life of students who have journeyed from one post to another. Now they are going to set out in a new direction, to seek new adventures in the struggle for life. Some are going to higher institutions for learning; others are going to the University of Practical Experience. But they are leaving. To hundreds of studen commencement and graduation have fin¬ally come into view. We wish them luck! The Editor |