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Show Jared Paul ne NTT, ~ Fletcher SUNSET - Jared Paul Fietcher, 37, Friday, | away passed March 2, 2007. He was born. June 24, 1969 in Ogden, Utah, — the son of David Paul and Esther _ ‘it aa Dixie. Fletcher. He @ was raised in @ ne the Layton area and ol graduated | from Clearfield Highy School in gle Gate Col lege with hon and won ors ca : ae | on awards for his artistic talent. He | |© was a computer graphics artist. Jared had an excellent sense — _of humor and was very protective — of family and friends. He was ac- — tive in Boy Scouts, SEA, was a © Star Trek Treckkie and loved photography and computer art. He is survived by his parents, — Fletcher, his — sister, Tina Marie. Fletcher Saulnier, and nieces Nikkita and — Rebecca. Preceded in death by © = his grandparents. Memorial services will be held 2007 al 9, March Friday, - 6:30 p.m. at Lindquists Clearfield State - Mortuary, 1050 South 2 : -) Street. TE Esther and David In lieu of flowers the family re- — quests that donations be made to — help defray the costs of funeral ee a | expenses. E-mail condolences to the | familyat lim@lindquistmortuary.com senses, Spee Siegbiassinssissssdiissetse ieee spegsnescagsied sis dstessseditesitesite PNET fe d, oe r E . aa Srssscsseiess. eis IE ésisfescsssei seed, sisseisisissiizes sepssirssizssiize ees eeeseeceseiiee Sresesegtbasess |