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Show FE PEP / REMOVING MEDICINAL ae WARNER VITAMIN PREPARATIONS STAINS@# i Acrps. In colored fabrics, acid stains are treated with ammonia or sodium bicare e e 4 e e e e Vitamin A Therapy Ora Use: Tablets Vitamin A—sugar coated, 10,000 U.S.P. Units Tablets Cod Liver Oil Concentrated—sugar coated ns 3120 U.S.P. Units Vitamin A per tablet 312 U.S.P. Units Vitamin D per tablet INTRAMUSCULAR UsE: Ampuls Vitamins A and D in Oil, 1 ce. 25,000 U.S.P. Units Vitamin A per cc. 2500 U.S.P. Units Vitamin D per ce. iC bonate and thoroughly washed. Avugsive Paster. Benzine, benzol, chloroform or fatty oils. Avxattgs. Soften with water. Colored fabrics: wash with vinegar or a ten per cent solution of citric acid. White fabrics: a one-half per cent solution of hydrochloric acid may be used, followed by thorough rinsing with water. Test, with litmus to see if all alkali is removed. _ Ati Vitamin B,; Therapy Ora AnILInE Dyes, METHYLENE BLUE. Lye solution. Dilute hydrochloric acid is also good. Both methods must be followed by thorough rinsing with water. Very resistant dyes must be soaked for several hours in a 1 to 1000 permanganate solution, rinsed and treated with oxalic acid solution. ARGYROL AND Mitp Siiver Sotution. When fresh, can be removed with soap and water. Old stains disappear if treated with a warm solution of sodium thiosulfate, 10 to 20 per cent. Batsam oF Peru. Very difficult to remove. Old stains should be first softened with | benzyl benzoate. Fresh stains may be removed from white clothes by persistent treatment with chloroform, acetic ether or amyl alcohol. Bioop. Same as hemoglobin. Bromipes. As soon as possible, aromatic spirits of ammonia should be applied, then washed with clear water. | Canapa Batsa. Fresh or dried stains may be removed with ether, amyl alcohol, chloroform, oil of turpentine, carbon tetrachloride, carbon bisulfide, and toluol; in most instances also with alcohol, acetone, methanol, acetic ether, and benzine. ; Castor O1. Absolute alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzol. Benzine or gasoline not — effective. i CuHLoRoPHYLL. For fresh stains (grass, etc.) warm alcohol; for old stains sodium perborate, ammoniated hydrogen peroxide, dilute aromatic spirits of ammonia, dilute zinc chloride solution. For resistant stains, chlorinated lime, bleaching fluid, sulfurous acid, hyposulfite, and other sulfites. Vitamin E Therapy—Tablets Alpha-Tocopherol—5 mg. (5000 Gammas) — Curomic Acip. Dilute sulfurous acid in watery solution or concentrated sodium thiosulfite solution mixed with a few drops of sulfuric acid. When the fabric is suitable, the acid may be precipitated into lead chromate with lead acetate, and this, after washing in distilled water, dissolved with lye. Vitamins A, D and C Therapy _A-De-Cee Drops—Created especially for infants and children for whom cod liver oil and orange juice are objectionable. The tip of the soft capsule is opened and the contents dispersed in water, milk, cereal, etc. Older children and adults may prefer to swallow the capsules. Each soft capsule contains Vitamins ‘A’ 4000 U.S.P. Units, “D” 1000 U.S.P. Units and “C” 30 mg. or 600 U.S.P. Units. Vitamin B Complex Therapy Elixir Omni-Beta (see page 275) é 5 yrup VilVilexon (see page 353 Capsules Omni-Beta (see page 275) ; Capsules Vilexon (see page 383) Tablets Syntha-Beta (high potency)—Each tablet contains Thiamine Hydrochloride (B,) 10 mg., Riboflavin 10 mg., Pyridoxine Hydrochloride 10 mg., Calcium Pantothenate 40 mg., Nicotinic Acid Amide 100 mg. . CurysaRosBiIn. Most easily removed with benzol, but chloroform, tetraline and _ absolute alcohol are also effective. Warming these solutions renders them more efficient. 43 a 4 Cop-Liver Om. Carbon tetrachloride, benzol, and gasoline. The best solvent iS methylol. A final washing with soap, preferably tincture of green soap, 18_ necessary. q Use: Tablets Thiamine Hydrochloride—1.0 me, ( 333 DUS Une bl Tablets Thiamine Hydrochloride—5.0 mg. (1665 U.S.P. Tae) a let Lixa-Beta—Elixir Vitamin B,;—a liquid prescription vehicle—1600 US.P. Units per fluidounce (see page 313) For Injection: Ampuls Thiamine Hydrochloride— 5mg.( 1665U.S.P. Units) in 1.0cc. Ampuls Thiamine Hydrochloride—10 mg.( 3333U.S.P. Units) in 1.0cc. : Ampuls Thiamine Hydrochloride—50 mg. (16,665 U.S.P. Units) in 1.0 ce. Vitamin B, (Riboflavin) Therapy , | Ora Use: Tablets Riboflavin—1.0 mg. (1000 Gammas) Nicotinic Acid Therapy Ora Use: Tablets Nicotinic Acid—50 mg. (unusual freedom from side reactions) For Injection: Ampuls Nicotinic Acid Amide (Nicotinamide)—100 mg. in 1.0 cc. Pantothenic Acid Therapy Ora Usr: Tablets Calcium Pantothenate—5.0 mg. For Injection: Ampuls Calcium Pantothenate—25.0 mg. in 1.0 cc. Vitamin B, (Pyridoxine) Therapy Ora Use: Tablets Pyridoxine Hydrochloride—5.0 mg. For Injection: Ampuls Pyridoxine Hydrochloride—25.0 mg. in 1.0 ce. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Therapy Ora Use: Tablets Ascorbic Acid—25 mg. ( 500 U.S.P. Units) Tablets Ascorbic Acid—50 mg. (1000 U.S.P. Units) For Injection: Ampuls Ascorbic Acid—100 mg. (2000 U.S.P. Units) in 2.0 ce. Vitamin D Therapy (See under Vitamin A Therapy and below) Bec ® Polyvitamin Therapy eapsules Epi-Vita—One capsule per day provides a full daily adult maintenance ose of all known vitamins. More than one capsule per day provides “therapeut ic”’ Tather than “maintenance’’ dosage levels (see page 325). . 431 |