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Show Marriott-Slaterville History January 2009 The Planning Commission has recommended approval of a conditional zoning map amendment for Frank Blair from A-1 to C-2P. The property is currently zoned A-1, and is located adjacent to 1-15. The amendment is proposed by the developer so that two restaurants, a gas station, and a car wash can be constructed on a larger then 2 acre parcel. The Planning Commission's recommendation for approval is subject to a market analysis showing the feasibility of the developer completing the businesses. An Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis was given the City Council by Bill Morris, City Administrator. The analysis evaluates the possible financial impacts Pine Brook Development could create in Marriott- Slaterville, Weber County, and Weber School District. President Dennis Ilium feels the market analysis is inadequate and does not address the matter intended by the Planning Commission. The analysis addresses the property of 175 acres, in general terms, and hardly mentions the 6 acres that are the subject of the change, or the proposed business in the Concept Development Plan. Ordinance 2009-2, granting an conditional zoning map amendment for the property from A-1 to C-2P, was approved by a 4 to 1 vote. The Council approved the Mayor's appointments of Carl Parker to the Planning Commission, with Ned Alfred as an alternate member, and ratified the terms of existing commissioners. The Council approved the allotment of funds for an environmental and feasibility study by J-U-B Engineers on 400 North reconstruction ($20,000.00) and for the secondary water system plan ($14,000.00). The system will benefit future development, using the golf course as a storage area. Residents will turn over their water shares to the city, the water will go into the golf course reservoir, and the residents then can obtain pressurized secondary water. As of the date of the meeting, the city is at a half-way point through the fiscal year, and the revenue is at 55.4% of the budget. Recently 47 residents switched from Allied Waste to the city's contract with Waste Management. The Central Weber Sewer Improvement District is increasing the rate for residents to $14.30 per month for sewer treatment to cover the cost of the new additions to the sewer plant. This is in addition to the city charges for city operated lines. A Weber County CERT training began on January 22, and will run to March 5, 2009. Citizens were invited to attend and learn to be better prepared for emergencies. Rabies Clinics are being hosted by Weber County Animal Service from 2 - 4 p.m.on January 10, 24, and February 7 and 21. Rabies shots are $12.00, and dog licenses will be available or renewed. The McKay-Dee's Senior Health Connection focused on staying healthy this winter. Older adults are more susceptible to hypothermia, and should dress warmly, keep dry, and have good nutrition. Outdoors, dress warmly, wearing a hat if possible. Half of body heat is lost through the head. Check windows and doors for cracked or worn sealants. Heat only those rooms that you use, to conserve energy, but don't set your thermostat below 65°. Take breaks when doing winter chores such as shoveling snow. Wear non- skid boots or shoes with plenty of traction to avoid slips and falls. This is good advice for not only for seniors, but for everyone. 142 |