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Show SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT OF POISONING Unless otherwise stated, oral poisoning is to be understood. The lethal dose- taken in a single does- is of course an indefinite figure. It is to be understood that smaller doses have been taken with lethal effect, while larger quantities have not proven fatal. Poision Symptoms Treatment ACIDS Sulfuric acid. Letha dose 1 to 2 12 drams. Nitric acid. Lethal dose 1 12 to 2 drams. Hydrochloric acid, chromic acid. Acetic acid. Lethal dose up to 5 drams. Erosion of the corners of the mouth, the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus and stomach; white, later black, erosion (nitric acid leaves yellow spots). Severe pain on swallowing. Vomiting of brownish-black matter (if nitric acid, yellowish). Strong salvation. Edema of the glottis, from inhalation of fuming nitric acid; bloody, dysenteric stools, perforation of the stomach, hematuria, collapse, small, rapid pulse, cramps. In severe cases rapid death from acidosis. Drink freely of lukewarm water until vomiting is induced. Gastric lavage may cause perforation, should be used with great care. Magnesium oxide, chalk, soap-water, mucilage, oil, milk, milk-albumin, gelatin, and other protective substances. As acacia, eggs. Morphine, stimulates. For acid vapor inhalation: Spray or gargle of sodium bicarbonate solution. For erosions from the fumes of nitric or sulfuric acid: oxygen inhalations, salt infusions; fro emphysema, venesection of 300-500 cc. Camphor, expectorants. Creosote. ALCOHOL Lethal dose undetermined. Adults, from 10 ozs. Up; children, 1 14 ounces. Restlessness, excitation, eventually delirium and raging, staggering, coma, narrow pupils, small, slow pulse, lowered temperature, general paralysis. Delirium tremens. Gastric lavage, heat. Cold applications to head, cutaneous irritants, camphorated oil, caffeine. Delirium: Lavage, strychnine, chloral hydrate or paraldehyde (with care); phenobarbital is safer. ALKALIES Caustic ammonia, caustic soda, liquor potassae. Lethal dose about 150 to 300 grains. Waterglass. Erosion of the lips and mucous membrane of the mouth, difficulty in swallowing, salvation, bloody vomiting, bloody stools, increased pule rate. Urine alkaline. Vinegar water, sour wine, tartaric acid, citric acid, lemons, apple juice, mucilaginous drinks, protective substances, milk. Eventually, careful washing of the stomach with acidulated water. In the eye: Washing with water, boric acid. For lime, weak sulfuric acid solution. Poison Symptoms Treatment AMMONIA Lethal dose of caustic ammonia solution 1 oz. Same as caustic alkalies. When inhaled, erosion of the air passages. Urine not alkaline. For erosion of the esophagus and stomach, see caustic alkalies. For injury to air passages, inhalation of very dilute vinegar or lemon-juice solutions, hot vapor.ANILINE Acetanilid, nitro-benzol. Lethal dose of aniline less than 1 oz. Acetanilid, 64 to 160 grains. Nitrobenzol, 64 to 160 grains. Cyanosis, methemoglobinemia, anxiety, dyspnea, disturbance of consciousness. Gastric lavage, charcoal, artificial respiration, oxygen inhalation, blood transfusion. Camphorated oil. For nitrobenzol, no oily or alcoholic substances. Rest in cool, dark place.ANTIMONY Lethal dose 15 to 30 grains. Gastroenteritis, bloody vomiting, colic, diarrhea, dyspnea, cramp in the calves of the legs, general paralysis, unconsciousness. Wash out stomach. Tannic acid or tannin, sodium iodide, magnesium oxide, mucilaginous drinks, charcoal. ARSENIC Arsenous acid, Fowlers solution, sodium arsenate, sodium cacodylate, Paris green. Lethal dose of arsenic trioxide 1 23to 3 13 grains. Gastralgia, vomiting, colic, severe diarrhea, later constipation, headache, cyanosis, arsenic dermatitis, cardiac weakness, small, frequent pulse, rapid respiration, coma. From organic combinations of arsenic, temporary visual disturbances. Gastric lavage, emetics (zinc sulfate, iron oxide in teaspoonful doses). Magnesium oxide, iron sulfate, charcoal, albumin, milk, mucilage. Moderate doses of fat. Intravenously: sodium hyposulfite, suprarenalin. ATROPINE Lethal dose 1 23 grains. Belladonna. Lethal dose 3 to 10 berries. Stramonium. Lethal dose 15 grains of the seed. Scopolamine, hyoscyamine. Lethal dose less than one grain. Vomiting, dryness of the mouth, thirst, difficulty of swallowing, giddiness, strongly dilated pupils, visual disturbances, excitement, hallucinations, cramps, accelerated pulse, eventually tachycardia, paralysis. Emetics, gastric lavage, charcoal, strong coffee, morphine generally dangerous; pilocarpin, tannin, chloral hydrate, camphorated oil, cold sponge, opium. |