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Show Feb 15 24 OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The Rev. Harry O. Anderson gave an inspirational talk at assembly this morning. Mr. Crane : sang and also led in community singing. Mr. Anderson. Mr. Crane and Mr. Mead also sang several negro melodies. The Ogden high school teachers contributed $50 to the Boy Scouts today. At the English grammar review of Tuesday, a number of very interesting facts were revealed. Students generally did very well on the questions that had to do with correct use of pronoun, and verbs. Many students failed to understand meaning of grammatical terms such as "construction of noun," "function and form" of sentence, etc. The girls seemed to get better grades than the boys. The students who have had three years of English and are not now taking it, received lower grades than any other group. The better grade of students seem to line-up in classes together. For instance, the best group reported to date is a large history and civics group, where the average of the entire class was above 70. Nine of this group made a grade above 90. A drawing made by Ben Jones of the mechanics arts department was forwarded to the Industrial Arts magazine today for publication. Announcement was made today by Major Paul W. Warren of the citizens' military training camp to be held at Port Douglas from June 12 to July 11. He asks that the school and the people of Ogden urge the young men to join the camp, for its educational and recreational value. An essay contest on "Washington's Love For His Mother" will be conducted by the school next week. J. E. Dumke, florist, is ffering prizes. Box Elder finds it inconvenient to change the date, so the great annual game between Box Elder and Ogden will be played as scheduled-Friday night, Feb. 22. High school students of New York City voted the death of Le- nine the "biggest news" of the week ending Jan. 27. They ranked the accession of Labor to power in England' second in importance, and the Teapot dome scandal third. The high school has received many compliments on the list of patriotic sentiments about Abraham Lincoln as published on Feb. 12. A similar list of eulogies on Washington will be prepared for Feb. 22 issue of The Standard-Examiner. The school accounts are being audited today by the auditing com mittee consisting of Wm. Applanalp, Celina Beaulien and Edith Kochler. Thursday was much enlivened by the exchange of valentines between teachers and pupils. Miss Dora Smith Is still confined to her home with a serious case of tonsilltis. Mrs. Florence Newcomb, J. E. Beeson and J. W. McMurrin have been asked to prepare outlines in English and arithmetic for the state course of study in normal schools. This afternoon at 3:30 o'clock and tonight at 7:30 o'clock a government film on tuberculosis prevention, clean milk, etc., will be presented at Central Junior high school. Students in the city schools are invited. The picture is presented without charge. The physical education department has announced that it will give an exhibition in gymnastics and artistic dances some time during April. The various committees of the Ciassicalia are busy these days making arrangement for this grand carnival dance to be given Saturday night, March 15. It was decided Thursday night to have the following booths: Confettie, whistle, serpentine-balloons, favors, mystery packages, three side shows, candy, soda water, fortune telling and refreshments. Explanation of nature and location of these booths were made in today's assembly. The booths will be auctioned off at a special assembly next Thursday. Chairman Evelyn Dobbs and Manager Earl Murray were appointed general purchasing committee for all Classlcalia material. Short class meetings were held today to make preparations for the Classicalia ball. The following concert program will be presented by the combined I glee clubs, orchestt-a and soloists of the high school in the school auditorium Tuesday, Feb. 19, at 7:30 o'clock: Triumphal March, Aida-Verdi, Chorus and Orchestra. "Apple Blossoms" (Roberts), Orchestra. Bass solos': (a) "Give Me the Open Road" (Ambrose); (b) "The Skipper" (Jude), Milford Piggott. "Happy Days" (Strelezki), Chorus and Orchestra. "Wine, Women and Song" (Strauff), Orchestra. "And the Glory of the Lord" (Handel), Chorus and Orchestra. Schubert's Serenade. Irma Van Zwenden, soloist. (a) "Amaryllis" (Ghys), b "Love's Dream." "After the Ball" (Czibulta), Orchestra. Soprano solo, "Nightingale," Ruth Prout. "Unfold Ye Portals" (Gounod), Chorus and Orchestra. "Zallah" (Loraine), Orchestra. |