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Show ae a ‘$1212 2 and authors. Fathers . xISs peanut yUuL ee jeuot}yeu do ‘eco liaise pewredt gsautsna* ues e | 0 sucwzed 72 should read this list|-og seat‘juepiserd OOF The Dynasas, The= pue = John Spoon AntiSey} Lee, Masters. Hail Moore. a Ay Farey, and Pelle. Sa AA ’ The ity Ada is of “good i in- The Tragic a gursu0ied oO. wi Jue , a0}, O10 WOTJOTAUOS octet svar 399 Sense of\|-ow0jne : Max Vance, J syHaNod 4 Se Seen at me ~@ ayy J Ut aay ta s eerAye ox Ul th-while srsy euez hat PUe gnoaeH 8 \ of 20-9 self- oularly ‘ oe ap- where Toma oud uttto |nself, puelrus, 1 -ptus} 1 jC. here plight be; upon it. the en is in- ' sear arene mente o Adina canciones , eueOU -ins ayy Wo 1 = 32 eed AKO, A ue oe pus for aoe Pn t will canshall s on Senos will soul0? | yop OO ed -ggess ou seqord {reo 110.2 acher or ES ‘ore ens Jerowing Lay Mae |-————-—---------1d dn 1euls 103, eit neym ° yoy Paxns® cE 4 NI OLLOdV qLOULO selfing Aceyuett | sem uolst?| the ibe dit is: 5se in’ yy you 4 jo 90754) OVvern~— efouss Oe eues 9UL sem5 0} “gt uIOSU®B) | 6,nplete and 31078Ues Ore A 3yoowuws a Ore, pee: s one 0 g ayy ce uy™ dow Sul JowWIBA pouyot tures Bch a0st “sof UdASS us owed eu} sem eas a aatyeisisel LT oan pue s}eow, 19 3 a a = oO sins *~ ~~ ea1hs98 xen Oa 270) eee OL ut ejos Oras #° : 04 pesado FF B 2UL ou Er BONE Pes JoAo Sse SoutOo j - a 4 pp sem SMO a 8 a Osu “Wotsses ofeu Out | Pvi- | + gy}oA WV f)im Lee Pee ADO tice aoe yzo yo A@teA Liha Le — numb- UIA TS Of ES that it io have again heatre. serious xf and & will enh caer and #- teachers; sction. ve | spuvgsnu|ind svery ‘yep dHnlent oe “eyyy estsem yojep ee epueceseP on Monyt Tab- ic |e and suyseis All and exn, but on taboo ex—just, to a teachers, 9 od . t igo mou ot} UE I iy sseo 10;0W q Swauss, Ye les y9eq ‘hg, powe a Ssoqt aaiyeu = Bay our have a excuses, is peypoyur “£ SNO “gr wetaanrent Wo sem puBgsng 191? to ,orrow. Wwe n + ut better, life Y pero a so uwlep | O-suggestion-| jeuosstHi on “as ys9 99014} gk cane eee : Sthon | wodas that | heart pg utaogsed p jo oi OTS 0} ‘maapird? Sem. moTynoexepeu 2804. 4 sur our | 6sowtysa yoo} AA —— 3 Old ino cuvada William gan. even tor- and an -' in day the schools ' cent loyalty ca scare CA eer OUGHT. OL av wot Beer Saga, Forsyte worthy. Joseph catt ome a0 O SJBUM aut . S4>. jee Masefield. Seven Men, biall a} raveling, uy stut3 4 to that yey} ov" ar zow mbo Ut : iAs Conquenpojoa the kepsoupeM matxox 0008$ 5°. prem ;"' of me The Greek Commonv-1suodset U thi nk of my-; pues ysorre OU} : = ‘INVIGAGIO fred Zimmern. {Ss ACW yo s Me-o4 Everlasting 7s The worth Gpoeu Wetton a Ziv -OUIO Ne ae Oe -1e{UL uel de Unamuno. } L V jo Nexo. OV ISH }O -~O1}{U Victoria\ Eminent Strachney. tT out \- puslerslod Skog ‘1038°N M. River urertit AA ‘ued. Jean-Christophe, ; land. Plays, aes -~--- |