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Show Ogden High School Notes The music department ia sponsoring: the appearance of the Utah Agricultural college glee club at the high school on Friday evening; March 28, at 8 o'clock. This splendid aggregation of singers should draw a large audience. j Ogden people have shown a disposition to boost for the Agricultural college during the past two years, especially in the field of athletics. We brought the Aggie players here and a record-breftk- ing crowd turned out to welcome and cheer them. Let us show them same courtesy in welcoming their singers and fill the high school auditorium. BOOSTING AGGIES. Salt Lake, the state metropolis, has the state university. Ogden, the second largest city has no great state school, so that many feel that it is pretty good policy to show a little interest in and enthusiasm for the Agricultural college at Logan. This is not Logan's school, but the state's !second great educational institution, and it is fittiftg that Ogden should lend it some support and influence. Lester Hinchcliff is leaving no stone unturned in his effort to develop a spirit of "musical appreciation" in Ogden. He is a coming musician, and the people of Ogden should get behind him. Those who attended the cadet hop were amazed and pleased with the excellent music of the high school band. The school orchestra -is also doing splenidd work and the school chorus is far j superior to any that we have ever : had heretofore. MUSIC LOVE SPREADS. One reason why music is re ceiving such an impetus at the high school, is that the music work done in the grades during the past five years is beginning to be felt. This is where Mark Robinson comes in for his meed of praise. Mark is doing a fine work for Ogden. It is hoped that the people generally, appreciate him. Another man that is doing fine work for Ogden is Will Manning over at Weber college. His presentation Thursday night of the opera "Carmen" was exceedingly fine and a credit not only to Weber college, but to Ogden. The presentation. which will be repeated tonight, should be greeted by a full house. TIRELESS EFFORTS. And while we are at it a word of praise should be given to Prof. Ernest Nichols, who for many than 20 years gave unstintingly of his talent and time in furthering the cause of music in Ogden. We are of the opinion that we appreciated Nichols, but we didn't say it often enough, loud enough, nor clearly enough. No one can estimate the great good that this man did for Ogden. Here we shall stop, though we know there are many other musicians and teachers who have helped much and are to be gratefully remembered. Our point is, "Music is one of the fine arts" and Ogden is just beginning to come into her own in a musical way. Let every one boost for still more and more of this grand art. GRADUATING DRESSES. The senior girls met Thursday to consider matters regarding graduation time. They foresee that of the 150 who will graduate many will find it exceedingly difficult to meet necessary expenses, so in order to minimize these and to keep up the good democratic spirit, the girls decided to "taboo" expensive gowns and to wear simple inexpensive dresses, made by the girls themselves wherever possible. They decided to limit color of dresses to white or pastel shade. They decided also that it is in good taste to retain girlhood appearances as much as possible, by having dresses from at least -; eight to 12 inches from the floor, j The domestic art teachers, ! Misses Nelson and Marshall, and the dean of girls, Mrs. Coolidge, ; proffer their services and help to , the girls in preparation for graduation. SUBJECT IS SECRET. A girls' assembly Is scheduled " for Thursday morning next, March 27, at 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. L. S. Merrill, former superintendent of nurses at Dee hospital, will ad-)' dress them. We hardly dare announce the subject, for fear the boys would want to attend too. e Anyway, it's leap year, and all are permitted to guess .what the subject will be. i Milford Piggott scored quite a triumph as soloist at Kiwanis club Thursday. The club boasts of i some pretty good soloists, such as Nephi Brown, Les Saville, Will Wright, Jed Ballantyne, Ed Greenwell, etc., and so they know a , good thing when they hear it. ' They liked Milford very much and , predict a bright future for him. ; In a competitive drill Wednesday morning between the companies, Captain Chester Zinn's j company got first place and Captain George Coolidge's company J second. j Dr. E. P. Mills gave a very interesting and instructive illustrative lecture on "Siberia" before the history classes and other students at Central Junior Thursday night. Dr. Mills spent several months in that country dur- j ing the war and gave much first- j hand information that could not j be obtained from books. GIVEN PROMOTIONS. Captain George Coolidge was promoted Thursday to be regimental sergeant, while Lieutenant Ross Sampson was advanced to captain to take Coolidge's place. j Every high school student was aware Thursday that President Emeritus Charles W. Eliot of Harvard college, America's foremost educator, was celebrating his ninetieth birthday. Dr. Eliot facetiously announces that he is not 90 years old, but 90 years young; ' and young he is, too, with good i physique and a very alert and active mind. He attributes his longevity to plain, simple living with lots of study and hard work. He should be and is a splendid example after which every student can well afford to pattern his own life. |