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Show Mri ae scribed for {| paid editor OLIVE 0) DeDPeD “A a 9AT0'R1778 NOL AIO eSueiie Some OJ Sutse} A’. aM SIOO I poomprey “FRO ing : = are ee Sumgeusg, axe ;paar aay WtO01-¢ Mau ‘uospnit araryinn 6042 JeqQuayy: uosyoer 66e¢ eimnbuyl fesnoy —6CST 13}10g — 1208. HYorddq "SULIO} “SL9$ ‘Ing Ul euoug ‘Ou sed 9¢ eulooutT yeuy 140 UWBYR 859 10l ‘1e9A 9UO *~e8noy xeldnq ‘19umMo wo ‘-doad @uUlodUT pUE 81T oe “f-e9ez =a ation | sang ULIpPOuUL | NSNALO Aa WIVS Woda 2 "“ABMOALIP ;poaim ‘JOulqea VSULOOL Zz aa oy VW wou sy Stags "‘Ajledoid Xnananes “4g uss zog | uepSO Jequay Ayo FATA ysoury PUue Te TAAAQ swe ut | RARE Ff YY YET VATE TINT hr ULOOL-ANO Wy ONIT SouUR 4UeWIeD ‘UIOOL 4imuay Uso ‘JeS80 0 UuSsUTT §49pt0q poomMpaey 9)38p 02 dn pure eeu JUOIT — Ut 1 ‘se IDAXTT yyeq /S10S010 SeuO O eSre~ WIM surOOR ‘peq| sold & ‘81881 8 19anq JINS 032 peroded. 424 0} sutooL ‘pesuusie <Apjuetueauo|d§ UBIG JOO fOnuUsATe AQUING pur Puss PeyYBooT = ATI NJIINVveq ‘moresung Usepour Anois uLood- “Gg MON HOG NIV) Be AISNE—SSOT S.YHNMO DNILSTT eebe ; i - -—omd : ST FOAW ie Geu, 3 “"99ZT USTU ‘Ge9 ououd, gout = FELT ‘2U91l SurAed gyi ! DUS UMOP él PUe Yoyed PShOy 00G$ :00ze$ SeLlieqdser so}u vy aloo. - aay pus ‘yolod ‘onu ‘Soer} Baha aAq}9: usados 6SL hewored | cn solieqmesis MOU: _V—-a IVs avSoT x54 438 ‘suIIa} ASB Ise S05” ume our J9Se1eS ‘sodeip ‘sureqina | Shh es ‘se3 i ES ‘eOBUINI ‘S8Inzedzy UT THING “AA=9192 ‘Ud “‘@SuByoxg © ‘or Aplaed {e2re, 30 “399IIS UIEZ pu TI9z ueeMjieq ‘Using | 5 ae uO) BAST SUypring eo;oyo ATH jLS— ‘ul i Inq yTeIveds SOBUIN} JiB Jou MoU luaTAN JUS USS BC Ting -OSUBI OIT}09 9 JO “£-1808 MA 621 euots success come BOL and hard work ‘JUS uo 000 ‘98 Hy:| Ot - Bq ‘uMOp 000TS—OoeHE IOJ ulesieq e Lue euoy ying TEM y ‘so1n} Bas _{poest 19U}0 Snoseunu 1B OUD 30 ‘OAV "4800 | YING A449 | rooms. .. -O9UN0D JoJeM ‘HTBMADPIS ‘Temes (§%Q9T “XS 67 ‘390128 poAvd WO 40 . oe AG LET class NMOC 008$ AATTN pred the eRe ness and Vithout effort ‘MOrlG ‘usrepour ASCH about Jeu}0 snoseumnu pue peqoeuu0o Ul Seg Jaurqea QAP UO Dy Uf-7 ING saan} xij IW SI poos UM peddinbe} pue pesoded A l}BOU suU00I qe ‘Ul 98019 30 eB1e, uo poiPo0T Alngrn eag useing suk Wo0l-G Be |: IBOU ~ ATPOIAYS - there is cerepra- PRY “Ureuted ‘wed Bip Mirs ‘“weded = =«£1380dB} YIM - peuUst -~Ull puUvy 8Brey sutoo.s TY ‘ODVIAVA1j Oli, “WNS Sl YSIUI, oui ‘Heo Bre Ss.z1OOTT SUL ‘SJOOT1S UGG PUue IZ Us9M20q ‘@NUSAB JIA, uo AOTSSUNG ULOds-9 JO SurT}STSUOD ouloy TAFE NO A Vv | S8E started. like “287 “SULIO J, —“00G9$ SOT _} taneyouty preyut ‘Sd0T opuUeyo cog get a think- | IMPRESSIVE SPEECH. ; Students were deeply moved } Tuesday by the. urgent appeal of eq “UMOP 00Z$ UILA "Q0ZT$ 407 peseyo UBd 390138’ pagg xeeu poezyBoo, ‘suoY WLOOd~% is contagious, probability that might is less thinking, sumo INOA @ayPlT “00L6$ OJ dvus 8 pur} 9tuey ain Tea WW ‘S991} epeys ny! -Hneeq ‘yys rolem T* V 's3imay yeurs “pues eB re ‘dousysom ‘e8ures fseini| . ‘TONIpUoD poos fur. osnoHT ‘SZuiplinqine pue epeys ‘SUAE “JUOIZ 4S@eM “jUOL OHI, BOUe ©q UO or as Seer ‘SUL.101 ‘| | ear "USE, SULIE 000‘ $3 38 ulesueg “‘98e Sul “sme, S}inij jews ‘sedde “‘geyoeeg "SSUIP NgIno s194y}jO pues UuIBq poos ¥ ‘S2iIndl j eus pus sueyoIUO <LOj @eoRla eepl uy ‘OSBPUOCIT ; JOOJ-OGT Up Yyouesq Uo euloy Uslepowt PIGO1-9ATF Vv -ind UB, and | Fred C. Taylor in the weekly as; sembly to realize their coe e‘||| iities and their Opportunities. Jileft with us the big lesson ey S9 M04 7 1910014 Susi you Mhowever. more on, lurking “YOLTIVa osuBtoxa | ir ear may be the rast. aes dangerous weakness, but it is. not {the most invic ious one in high | school. The “don’t care spirit’’’ ig the most dreaded evil found Tes yond A0q AW ‘faat Ae — 000°9$ _ \MOd HWOH os19$ | SOLMTHOVS TILM HHNMO TLLt ‘LT6 eucyg goes tion NITINeVeG & St sTiyyL S¢ ‘ said. school, where measies, strong }OU “jUusIUeSeq INI ‘Youeq yseeYy}NOS PSIeoo7T “autoy Hojiq uUsepout A _. JS real place \ ‘IBUBL DIOP IOS | % Patt pue jnoysnosyy pereded swo0o07 ‘SOINTXY TBO11}09T9 “AUMOATIP JUEGO ‘SULOOS OSIB THOUOUY Ul spseog ureap 42 “gyeq efi) ‘wOO7 jsBjyvIIg ‘No | -Ysnoiyy has ae- bE can send a, boy to high school, ! but you cannot make him think. xequieyy wo one eer the highest weliye g serdpmr 20 years as in Se PVT Suysel Geisbane: has- ; esueyoxnr / the worst, FEAR.—aAroe aI GCE rat! weaknesses, dangerous, - Is SrevenS TT W392 7 BISA eeu this } “1S sueort in one ‘only—THOUGHT.. UIT eat edaeineuy TODAY. important vr a eucud Of | most thur FOR is Frye tT ay | world, je @o8 : ste SUeSUOKT, Sy} Jo ‘Suaquaet ie £0, ees tet 3 euoO YUllAy post, Alscdoig ‘eSuByOKG Suysiy efdninf, ou) jo Akiba apes GiB S10 B9Y Porcer euL thing Te Z One Te THOU GHT a A SESt ‘slspioq poompiey euoud | ‘YS{UIJ poo) oe unk) “Moresung Moliq Arjsede1 uroos| 3M pears Utepomt AT}OLNS mou LSOW TY | 24 Ly, ‘U-08%Z ‘aou0 je sur Md ‘9UMO LOT JUIWUILIBde 9 UsAVL 001 mete qoH suOYg| cog poos | “UOl} |ITB; “peustu any oe } ee |