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Show Friday 2 - 21 - 24 Ogden High School Notes Report was received today from the University of Utah of the fall quarter's work of the following Ogden students: I ' Lewis Blake, Takeo Chiba, Dorothy Corey, Alfred Funk, David Kay Holther, Ray Kirkland, Rudolph Lyon, Ora Peterson, Kathleen Quinn, Orren Stivers, Howard Thackwell, Paul Wilson, Erneat Winkler. The report shows passing grade ,for 160 hours by the group, faillure 19 hours; incomplete, 12 hours. , iTlie distribution, according to 'grades, is as follows: As, 9 hours; Bs, 47 hours; Cs, 80 hours; Ds, 44 Z jhours;, Es, 19 hours; incomplete, ' 12 hours. e The Classicum came out today, t It is an unusually good number. ) Box Elder phoned Wednesday, asking reservations for 400 for Friday night's game. The south' side 3 of th'e hall will be given over to the r. visitors. 3 i Other candidates for Classfcalia Queen as revealed by today's peti- itions are: Kathryn Kay, Dorothy Scowcroft, Jean Warner and Hope Chadwick. j Those who have heard Dr. Charles E. Barker speak promise us that the students have a groat Itreat in store in his coming to the i 'high school next week. In order to become a candidate for Classicalia queen, one must have filed with the committee a I petition s;gned by 50 students. A booster for the Box Elder game was circulated today. It was prepared by the T. N. T. club. Ben Wright has been appointed by the council to gather notes daily for publication in The Standard- Examiner. The Junior girls sold candy Tuesday and Wednesday to raise money for the class bidding for booths at Thursday's assembly. Thelma Whittier of the city library is substituting for Miss Dora Smith, librarian, this week. Miss (Smith is reported as improving. Much surprise and praise was expressed by patrons at the concert Tuesday night that the Glee club and orchestra were singing and playing such excellent music and in such excellent style. So much encouragement was given the music department that it has been decided to give a series of concerts during the spring months. A band concert will be given on the evening of March 4. Miss Ruth Prout and Wilford Piggott were complimented on jtheir skill as soloists as were also (Cecil McDonald, violinist; and Irma Van Zweden, performer on baritone horn. Enthusiasm for Classicalia queen is manifesting itself in "Whitewash" .signs on school sidewalks and blackboards. TYPEWRITING DEPARTMENT. The typewriter is a recognized instrument of utility. The ultimate aim in typewriting is "speed with j accuracy." The typewriter offers unusual opportunity to satisfy the ; student's desire for physical expression. The normal adolescent 'child experiences distinct pleasure j in the discharge of physical energy, s Typewriting is the result of acquir- t 'ing certain habits that soon become i automatic. Rhythm is an important J essential in learning typing. We use the Victrola for rhythm. There , jare about 375 students in the typewriting classes. We teach the touch I system or piano method. At the (close of the first year's work the I student should be able to write 30 net words per minute, for a period of 10 minutes. This requires hours of practice. At the close of the sec- i ond year's work, the student should j be able to write at the rate of 50 j words per minute, for a period of j 10 minutes. Awards are offered by the different typewriter companies in the form of primary certificates, card cases and medals. A number of students win awards each year, |