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Show Thurs April 19 Ogden High School Notes Today's thought: "The real dignity, the real no's bility of work must he cherished, e Civilization rests on conservation. To these must be added religion, 3' education and obedience to law. These are the foundation of all 1, character in the individual and n all hope in the nation."-Calvin Coolidge. Q e One of Woodrow Wilson's best f books is a little volume of essays ; n or speeches, entitled, "The New s Freedom." Now comes an excel- f lent little volume from the pen e of President Coolidge, entitled 3. "The Price of Freedom." , Every patriotic American should j read these two great books. , No ; men have spoken more clearly .1 nor more forcefully on the ideas, ideals, purposes and hopes of i,l America than Presidents Wilson and Coolidge. j' Our sentiment today is an extract from "The Price of Freedom." It will be found on every e blackboard in the Ogden High school and it should find its way e into the heart and brain of every one who reads it. The world that we so much enjoy today comes as a result of labor, sacrifice and love of our 3 progenitors. Education is a process of im- e bibing of the aspirations and . ideals of civilization, and of g making them a part of our every- s day life. j Even the material wealth that I is about us results from hoarding, j saving, conserving. Each genera- i tion is expected to add to the j hoard. The Germans have a saying to the effect that "he who will not work shall not eat." To this may be appropriately added, "he Avho - will not work shall not enjoy, s neither may his descendants hope f to be benefited by his having d lived." Schools throughout the country i, are turning more and more to the j e problem of developing right at- n 6 titudes toward work, conservation ( a,nd service. c THRIFT NEEDED. Our failure to consider our own I future as well as the future of the ra.ce is graphically illustrated r by life insurance statistcs which show that of every 100 men at the age of 2 5, these startling facts maintain when the group reaches 65 years of age, one is 1 wealthy, four are well-to-do; five L live on daily earnings, 3 6 are dead ' and 54 are dependant upon charity. These facts should be placed side by side with the fact that if ! each of these 54 men had started to save systematically $10 per month he would have at aged 30, ' $695.80, at 35, $1,635.85; at 45, $4,789.29. 1 At 65, all would be reputed r wealthy; let anyone who is inter- ested-continue the figures to see r exactly what his savings . would be. 5 GIVEN AWARDS. i Miss Afton Bowman and Fred Flinders received certificates for proficiency in typewriting today. ! These are the first certificates to be won this year by students operating Royal typewriting machines. i Miss Beth Cranney was com- '! plimented Monday by several 1 teachers for her proficiency in : writing the French language, and for having acquired French "style" j in composition. 1 j I On Thursday morning during j the advisory period, the high j school courses of study will be j considered with the view of having pupils discover if possible which subjects they should take in high school and why. Each course has a definite purpose in view and it is very desirable that each student determine early what particularly line of work will be best for him. M UST EXERCISE. It was unanimously voted at faculty meeting Monday that no student will be graduate hereafter without meeting the full require- ments of drill and physical edu- 1 cation unless physically disquali- j fled. I j The conservation of health is I ! one of the most vital problems of 1 hfe. It affccts the adult as well J as the young. 1 i Some one has aptly said that ! "the man Avho cannot spare time ! for outdoor recreation usually I ; holds the averages good by taking time to be sick." ELECTRICAL, PRACTICE. One of the boys of the ad- vanced class in electrical con- ! struction is wiring a two family ! apartment house that his father is building. The wiring includes connections for two electric ranges, one electric ironer, 10 power outlets, and 40 light and switch outlets. The work thus far completed has been inspected and approved by the city inspector. I Another way of getting by with tardiness is to write out the ex- ! cuse in rhyme. This student got i by: 'Tis within the noon-time period, must chase down year book j i "stuff" And if I get it not at that time- j Sure 'tis some other class I'll ! sluff. ! But- j 'Tis a mystery, but for history I I'll be tardy-nevermore. -Sincerely. : I Gamma Kappa gave a delight- j j ful party Saturday evening last. j Several new members were initi- : j ated. The club plans a moonlight ! j hike before long. DEBATE HELD. ! The Forum held an interesting ; debate Monday night between the "active" and the "lay" members. ' i The third; anniversary of the ' founding of the club wall be celebrated shortly. "The Better Way," a short story by Miriam Cain, dealing with the flood disaster of last June, met with very favorable reception in one of the English classes Monday. |