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Show ~~ wwrics carved and worn nitely beautiful, and ‘the’ shadows outline of! pe julting -FOck, _'to pe an amphi- “Is he like in a We are other _BNd “apm a Og are always / yo sae es 81} have? the k Uy fonunISOS “oot tender Si 95, un gu comré _{ for 88nten ous alreails price. we te § This is Sine peo} Surop by fit eg cheer inv Ary ‘20.185 a 03 Suriy3 J I3p af uo Bngax ‘|radiate hisoyon? W1 18 oy Cua at Q tt | ¢ Ge KAijeas| a stta1ea | dha. ou ITT 843Aq 24 MOuy Jou 881 I has es fr sain Iuem : eee ‘ Ateqruy Jeron e Ine tne serious : a re SA0q SUuTZ RPO © | ithe O} One ol day: eur PSOARIM eu : a eu} 03 8, Ua yi regu 8 Opeyy eae S8Ut 70 | boos the } tT TOS LL q ae 0} arRaaoe ae Se Hane ss and Defeat: | : | High won afternoon close in won i Sl’ i¢:: <-.r5 We ‘BE SOZIQ «qa, WYSrom haaey ef CLI¢ § SII®19409 <9. gs Davis s Ne schools Wed- interesting contest... first Al- place and The com- —/ year. _Thomas watch Box In . addition received a beautiful and-Mr. Zinn Elder. won | Miss a gold second gold pin. place. Alden Lillywhite of Brigham City Ww as a close second with his masterful Ideals State address, of Life.” Judge High School Williamson and “Fundamental | }..— P. C. Evans, Inspector Deputy I: Supt. T,, / A. Zinn; dell.. - Davis, Vance; | Hatch, day Millard, Elder, Alden Lillywhite. test took High Dora Box place. school afternoon, in — oo— The Central auditorium WenTheron con- JUIujAUR x apace 2 Meuy eee ' 9YU8IOJU“OD ;- An, +8U1 j Junior OM De Onoe n 3 AU so ur UB) sus Ind 1918 sone eaecoe soloy 1ey | Pres SolTyM j19479Q Ip 0} Senber ht SW0oy osre UOSUYOL ‘ pUe 1 T 9 10J9q ‘ados saoigeu} ten .. e3¥818 : UUM feousau Wednesae =e } C. Mathesen acted as judges. © .. Members. of the teams were: Ogden, Althea Thomas, Chester eu} Use 0 ‘So90149u uosuyor 2 8u0 e e ee cee “ENU S .@ as 9tI | oss. ®U}1 jo 3u9) ‘eaiqTUIULOD @ATInNva Ke PRES se eB “9 <x UO SBUIAIT uonenis 4jaq. 2% e173 ‘YStapeyy | ls “Id srpuey ‘Slusseade.. ey 78U} noue Sta g POBIN etOr‘yS y WOT} | 9}BoT duroeo Woke 4 eee | . et MIeq Surjaoj | Inoqe SUlIQ 01 Suruieu oe. AteaMoT “UBWUSSOusUOD i 04, 4B Ue%e) sem ¢ Ajguour ou. 1} JO sequiaur S898 91 9802 | "ag 4ey4 nq ‘uoT b p1geu au uo spog I910 Isen fue UNM Uoneziuesio <ue aaey 0} 101 BA UOMepusumrui ur a Os .ft : i ; ' pa et “> Nees from Davis! an oratorical Thomas one d way. : YIo}-Zhester Zinn second. dined efforts of the two won the Lewis trophy which is to remain ‘the property of the’ school ‘for| 4ep7 poem, — Orators Suffer. hea a ee or ‘problem, -etc., then real education -Elder esday ++... them. the writing | paragraph ; ‘yoo@24, Box Elder High Sediay S Le Piay {tai PUG pup q ABT ina a ee pa ‘opi Ogden ‘ the.joy of the solving of an . out-of-class 1 preblem,: the: reading-..of ; some great book, the. solution of some: domestic, . industrial or. social C o1 tes mes € |p edte) te ing ‘8119 OG'T@:- does told.” .., do little. pieces of fine work. gue pun) IUSTAA Vill 7 YG) idy ABORY Roce Ijind “Feral ian aN . a's ee pis -on sits on Uitwe Be eS ae j on x es and without’ being ‘TRAINING MINDS. _ ‘When students quite generally — for OO 93; BA 101uad, Moye oe i |5 a eUL WSsnoryy SIS HP who exercises initiative | _emmoa Fare 01 ge Sozr 22. iy D0 me. an” LOOM feo e of his. work than hethin does ks‘of ‘mor the. pay envelope, and (3) of a fine et-z7, S{oq ome UONT ven?" Due Mae es 2942 oe ® lea TF | In all ‘commercial. _enterprises advancement comes to him (1) |who enjeys his work; (2) -who . Ainp Ila r S190IT70 2 mere IMNOyZITp Serious mm —__/ f estas workman workman 1 Wau Groma. | ston eeting yy at etter Soe S| ene is a poor some things 9810 The jwork. C- eee SUUISBO55 oS ops sa a eg He indeed ady Mixed : Paint) ‘ — se tAey Wy} | toy; 45/ouIn why q them- _ they are. teacher. who does not get personal enjoyment: and: satisfaction out of his: Ssa- /3rn Painte : deceive. the . wage he gets. WILLIS. ——0 0 a let of nature’s fart! I ILLA com) ‘|{never are Mm.» one for work that one does is largely for. what credit or self, no matter | j mM; hich change some| ry hour of the day. 7; Pp is not. merely aj--- “only: when * they. think |working Os, for it like people “Hope Ajneag | zg all Suruad, Students. selves op ot ey ct % do moonlight is, I be: ie most lovely and!,. _ Me cee rer f f; 4 ee the ey fanciful about ae m ‘pants of this anif eee es Bryce, °q ne S10}ISIA do any more: nev gd In that we are -thigh school, place and | student or t Folks who Kae do any n than they .get paiderfor, never: get. paid for-any more than they do.” i>, he may . weave| Purenb3p-358 ) as “a.|-——— this Co another. P ° jfe Adog ; epee seer OE Tee Se4 of ‘ poe | ae “Thought for today: dined —"“gentleman yay £ome to stan:* social graces. to the good-. “ivy mie. Moreover, jpntranced, at . r lany # nlight, serve to #8! surrounding ~. for ; | YPsarpy JO Ayia Ulloy ADS : a ) pe. English 1 S Uuvuy — coun ee S There are teade for plas ; ime s fo but : by short |: sy, S so there, beabel See m=; and | oe Thought leaves a jes: o ne ieser ;:°S.aliso flecked and OO th old Moeorijsh wers, intricately » Heavenrinspired yyrocks so delicatem;color in the day7; in a soft, mellow}: |