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Show March 7 24 Ogden High School Notes In answer to inquiries from many .parents the teachers announce that home-study-two hours at least every day-is expected and (Required of every student. No student can possibly get the marks he should, unless that much home study is done daily. A girl from the domestic science department went home the other night and cooked beef-steak for dinner-just as she had learned that afternoon at school to coo'k it. The next day the -father of the girl said to the teacher, "That was the best beef-steak I ever ate in my life." Moral-obvious. Probably the high point of enthusiasm is reached at the high school. Perhaps never have students been so wrought upon as by the present status of affairs at the state tournament. Salt Lake (East) won the ninth! corps area shoot with a 57.57 score, ; while Ogden reached 57.36. This does not mean, however, that we shall not win the national shoot. Of course we'll win it. "From my own observation as a teacher, I have found that the boy who is most likely to give trouble is the one who isn't interested in anything--study, athletics, the school paper, the glee club or any of the activities of the students. A boy of that type breeds trouble for himself and for others."-De Lewis Perry in March American. MORE ROOM NEEDED. A new high school being practically an impossifeiajy.Jn the im- L mediate future, it is not unlikely . that the Board of Education will be ' compelled to make an addition to I' the present building. Invitations will be extended to all the service clubs to attend the great annual carnival dance, the Classicalia, on March 16. The business men are so interested in the high school, that it is expected that the clubs will be represented by a , big majority of the entire member- ' ship. Miss Ruth Prout of the Music de- i partment sang two solos for the Kiwanis club at luncheon Thursday, j Aside from the physical advan-1 tages of the R.O.T.C. in establishing i correct posture and good health habits, the work is of especial value in inculcating habits of promptness, punctuality, courtesy, obedience and dependability. In addition it develops team work, co-operation, and is a,fruitful field for the development of initiative and leadership. ART COLLECTION. The girls' association of O. H. S. j held an interesting assembly at! 8:30 o'clock Thursday morning. The girls have for some time had a i project in mind-that of doing something of permanent value for the high school. After much consideration of various plans they fixed on starting an art collection for the high school and, as a nucleus. the purchase of a picture by Le Conte Stewart. Miriam Cain, president of the association, presided and introduced Mrs. J. R. Morrell, president of Ogden Art society, as the speaker of the morning. Mrs. Morrell spoke first of Syud Hossain and his estimate of civilization and culture in the U. S. and complimented the girls on their plan. She gave a brief history of Utah's art and artist.3 which proved 9 revelation to her audience and then commented in a way which added enthusiasm and impetus to the girls' plan, on the work of the Springville high school in establishing an art center at that place. The president. Miss Cain, then introduced the subject of Dr. Barker's lecture arid spoke of the in- j spiration she and others had received from the lectures. She suggested that the association form'u -' late rules of conduct for the srirks! which they could follow and which might help all to improve their high school. She called for expression from others and the Misses j Virginia Green, Jean Warner and Jeanne Chez responded. |