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Show 4-3-24 Ogden High School Notes Today's slogan: We can have one of the best schools in the world if we will only think so and each will do his part. Harry Lyon (everyone knows j who Harry Lyon is) is receiving j wide recognition as a boxer at Annapolis. He recently received . a gold tnedal, has been declared j the middleweight champion, and j elected captain of the academy's j team next year. Harry has a j way of "putting it over" his op- j ponent and doing it quickly. In ! 11 contests he won 10 and the other one was declared a draw. Some boy-Harry! Another bob-haired teacher at the high school. Mrs. Edith Koehler (who would have thought it of Aunt Edith?) is the latest recruit. Prize winners for the Dumke Floral essay contest on "Washington's Devotion to His Mother," were announced today as follows: First prize, Beth Cranney; second, Margaret Bell; third, Winnifred McConnell (Lewis Junior); fourth, Evelyn Neilsen; fifth, Violet Dout; sixth, Viola Allen. The prizes were cash varying from one to four dollars each. BOOKS AVAILABLE. Supt. W. Karl Hopkins has the following new books at his office whjch teachers may obtain through the rental system-10c a! week, 20c additional for second! week and-well, we daren't say1 bow much for keeping the book three or four weeks: His Children's Children-Arthur Train. The White Flag-Gene Stratton Porter. The Hope of Happiness-Meredith Nicholsen. The Snake Doctor-Irvin Cobb. The Out Trail-Mary Roberts Rinehart. Damaged Souls-G. Bradford. Cures--Walsh. Dreams of An Astronomer- Flammarion. The Racial History of Man- Dixon. Why Men Fight-Bertrand Russell. Through the Wheat-Boyd. A Son At the Front-Edith Wharton. (Captures--John Galsworthy. J. Hardin & Son-Brand Whitlock. ! The Rover-Conrad Christ or Mars-Irwin. The Humanizing of Knowledge, j -Robinson. A. Lagh a Day Deeps the Doctors Away.-Irvin Cobb. J There are 136 aliens in the j Americanization class, composing l 14 different nationalities, Principal Wiggins told the sociology j class at the high school Wednesday. The course of training covers j three years. There will be 26 j graduated this year. Graduation from an Americanization class exempts one from I court examination and facilitates j naturalization. All aliens between I the ages of 16 and 36 who can- not pass a fifth-grade examination 1 are required by state law to take j course.- ' Mrs. Gertrude Coolidge, Miss Sara Keener, of the high school and. Principals John Junk and John Wintle have achieved some reputation as teachers in Americanization classes. Ogden is doing splendid work along this line, j Principal Wiggins is entitle 1 to j much credit for the success of both the Americanization work i and the part-time work in this 1 city. OPERA DATE SET. Lester Hinchcliff announces that the opera Martha will be presented by the combined glee club and orchestra on Friday evening, May 9. Mr. Hinchcliff says that Hooker was dead right when he wrote, "Melody, both vocal and instrumental, is for the raising up of men's hearts, and the sweetening of their affections toward God." TWO ATHLETICS MEETS. The Junior and Senior high schools of Ogden have received invitations to take part in a state track meet at Provo, Saturday,- April 2 6. An invitation was received by the high school today to participate in a triangle athletic meet with Davis and Box Elder on April 18. Both invitations have been accepted. One of the beauties of education or learning is that the process -ean well go on throughout life. Witness Charles W. Eliot, the sage, the scholar, the enthusiastic student at 90. The prime requisite for lifelong learning is the ability to keep an open mind-a mind that will absorb new truth and will i supplant old notions that have served their purpose or become obsolete. Utah, too, has her four-score and ten year old student in Charles W. Penrose. Mr. Penrose I creates no little amusement whenever he goes by calling people "old fogies" who cannot accept readily his new viewpoints. Tables are turned again. Dad can no longer say, "O boy! If I'd only had your chance!" The modern boy replies, "It isn't too late now, Dad, go to it!" SIGNS DOOMED. The civic spirit of the boys of , j the mechanic arts department has j been aroused. They have decided i I that the roofs of their buildings, ! shall no longer serve as advertising boards, and in evidence of their good faith and will have purchased five gallons of roof paint with which to obliterate the ! errors of other days. We feel sure that all the boy3 of the school will support them in their high resolves. Dr. Bhagat Singh Thind will address the history classes (Miss Cortez) Friday morning at 11 o'clock in the study hall. J Moroni Olsen will read to the students Friday afternoon at 1:15 ! o'clock in the assembly hall. Th 1 public is invited. |