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Show MARCH 26, 1924 Ogden High School Notes j Today's slogan: ! "Cultivate a civic habit. Trair. I yourself to see and pick up papers from the floor." j Tomorrow morning at 8:30 j o'clock Mrs. L. S. Merrill, former i superintendent of nurses at the Dee hospital, will talk to the girls I of the high school on the subject i Of "Mating." Mothers and other I women interested are invited. Chairman Cain.of the Girls' as- sociation and the committees re- ; cently appointed will make s:m; interesting recommendat'ons at the girls' meeting tomorrow morning. "SMOKELESS SMOKER." Friday evening, May 4. has been selected by the athletic committee as the tentative date for the boys.' "smokeless smoker." On Thursday, April 3, Dr. El- wood Cubberly, one of our country's most noted educators, will be in Ogden to address the public school teachers An effort will be made to have Dr. Cubberly meet , With the high school students. At the council meeting Tuesday j evening a committee consisting of j John O'Neill, Rulon Doxey and i Martha Wright, was appointed to I investigate the advisability of appointing two editors for the school paper next year. : Lawrence Skeen and Franklin Richards represent . the school council in an investigation of the sub.iect of "Awards" for scholastic achievements during the year. Miss Ella Nelson of the Domestic Arts department will attend meetings in Salt Lake on Friday and Saturday of Home Economics teachers of the slate. IF TROPHY'S WON. The question has been asked: "If the rifle team wins the Hearst trophy again, will the boys be given sweaters?" The answer is easy. If the boys win the Hearst trophy the people of Ogden will see to it that they get anything they wish. They will be the honor guests of every club and every organization during the remainder of the school year, i Business men realize that no event in recent, years has done so much toward "putting Ogden on the map" as the winning for two successive years of the Hea s': j trophy. To win it again will sim- j ply be cappi,j the climax of great achievements. SCATTERING PAPERS, i Apropos of today'3 slogan it ! might not be inopportune to' say that every person, man, woman or child, who litters our public buildings, our sidewalks and thoroughfares with paper rubbish, refuse, gum wrappers, pasteboard boxes, etc., ad infinitum, lacks a sense of civic pride and is an enemy to public decency. The habit of sending out handbills, advertising posters, etc., to be scattered a.d libitum on our public streets, and especially near public schools and public buildings, should be discouraged if not absolutely prohibited, as it tends to make our city untidy and gives us all the reputation of being slovenly and careless. The habits that we form at ' school have much more to do with our real education than anything we may gather from books. The janitors at the high school j have taken pains, to report fre- j quently of late that students are j to be commended on the improvement they are making in rcf:a:n- I ing from littering the buildings j and ground and in assisting to take proper care of public prop- I erty. The second high school rifle team is now doing some excellent shooting. The team consists of Scott Kellogg, Kenneth Skeen, Herbert Verheek, Glen Hart, William J. Brian and Glen Kirnes. Sergeant Holloway expresses himself as well pleased with the work the rifle teams are doing. ! The "Hour of Music" Tuesday j night was pretty well patronized. Those who attended were much pleased with the entertainment offered. GLEE CLUB FRIDAY. j "Scores for the opera, "Martha" i choral were ordered Tuesday. Mr. Hinchcliff announces that the choral will be given in the latter I part of April. From reports comjng in it is i believed that the A. C. Glee club singers will be greeted by a good audience when they appear at J the school auditorium on Friday j evening. j In answer to several inquiries j regarding the authorship of the singl'e paragraph, "Spring Raptures" that appeared in Monday's j notes we are pleased to announce ' that it was written by a Junior j student, John Cragun. |