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Show Sat May 10-24 Ogden High School Notes Thought for today: "The voice should be the sounding- board of the soul." It was said of Cordelia "Her voice was ever gentle, .oft and low -an excellent thing in woman." An excellent thing, too, perhaps in men. ! The human voice is susceptible of great cultivation. It is generally, if not always, an index of .character. Alongside of a hundred other qualities it goes to make up personality. The eyes, too, often, if not always, express what is within the soul. Through our eyes we look kindly, cheerful, helpful, loving or tne reverse of these. Those who were fortunate enough to meet Capt. C. W. Woodward on Monday would testify to this truth. As he met you, his eyes looked out at you witk all friendliness, winsomenass and cordialty. They seemed almost to say: "Why I've never seen you before-but I like you. I am glad to meet you," quickly his hand went out in the same dominant feeling and you were his friend; his whole being said: "I like people; I am the friend of man." He wins as anyone may win who will develop personality. If in your heart you really love humanity that love will express itself through your eyes, your voice, your handshake, your every movement and expression. Let "peace on earth good Avill to men" reign in your heart and soul, and your education is well under way. You have learned the art of true living. School teachers, especially, should practice the art of living, in this sense, for they are dealing in soul stuff, and example is the real teacher. A domestic art teacher has 19 girls in her sewing class who will graduate this month. Eighteen of these girls are making their own graduation gowns. How's this for practical education? FOR PARENTS. A fashion show, a one-act drama, artistic dancing and lots of good music, instrumental and vocal, will be features of Tarents' day at high school, May 22, Reserve the date. The elimination oratorical contest will take place on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Miss Ida Fitzsimmons, Miss Reva Beck and j Judge L. J. Holther will act as j judges. The Chicago American of May 5 had this interesting ilem on its j front page: "Laurence Skeen, lead- i ing marksman of the ogden high, who made a total of 398 out of a possible 400, only to stc his record beaten by Omar Barker of the championship aggregation ani S. Czerwinski of Carter H. Harrison high of Chicago, asked that the Chicago American relay the follow- ing message: I ".'Give my heartiest congratulations to the men who made 399 in the shoot.' " IN BRIGHAM CTTY. Miss Etta Nelson and Vice Principal Gertrude Coolidge went, to ; Brigham City Friday to witness the annual fashion show of the Box Elder high school. The R. O. T. C. officers enjoyed the competitive drill between the East and West high schools on Wednesday. They noted some admirable features which they hope to have our unit adopt in the next annual inspection. "The way tc avoid unjust criticism of the schools is to take the public-the average citizen-into complete confidence. Complete understanding and information are the best insurance against dissatisfaction and distrust."-Industrial Arts Magazine. One main purpose of high school notes is to acquaint the public with the work we are doing. We trust all patrons read the notes. INVITES QUERIES. We should be pleased to conduct a "Dorothy Dix" department, i. e., in respect not to matrimonial troubles, but to school problems. We shall endeavor to answer any question that any patron should care to ask. "Verily the forces of democracy are levelers of educational barriers. Universal education is on the way." -Industrial Arts Magazine. The New York city board of education has included .n its budget for 1924-25 appropriations for the purchase of sites and the construction of two trade schools for girls.1 These will cost $975,000. COURSES DEFINED. There is less difference in the various high school courses than j§ generally supposed. A commercial course suggests four units of credit in typewriting and stenography, or bookkeeping and related courses. The scientific course gets its name from the requirement of four science units, including biology, ! zoology, botany, chemistry and physics. The preparatory engineering four I units of mathematics, algebra, gemoetry, alg c, solid geometry, trigonometry. Home economics, four units of cooking, sewing and r-slated work. English, in the past has represented a rather general course, including of course, four units of English. It is intended, however, in the future, to make this course a little more distinctive by requirement of two years of language. In its place will probably be offered a general high school course. The O. H. S. band will play at the Dee Memorial hospital from 2:15 to 3:15 o'clock on Monday afternoon, in the annual Hospital day exercises, held in commemoration of Florence Nightingale. THE PATH TO SUCCESS. "There is no royal speedway to success;' in reality, there is no road ' at all. You must make your own road over a rough country. Some find an easier way than others, due in few cases to good luck. Some are stronger than others and go faster and further. Some find the way hard and progress slow. But you may be sure that ao one reaches success who does not try and does not work hard for it."-Guy E. Tripp. |