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Show 4 - 2 - 24 Ogden High School Notes Today's slogan: ! No one can help me much. I i alone am responsible for what I make of my life. Each teacher has the privilege j of expressing the idea of the day's j slogan in his own words. Tuesday I some interesting variations were I noted. One teacher wrote: "As an individual I might exercise my liberty as I please; however, in Ogden High school my liberty exists in one-eleven hundredth proportion. Thus my conduct must be modified; 'for liberty exists in proportion- to wholesome restraint.' " Another teacher copied the following trite saying from Roosevelt: "The world moves at all only when each one of a very large number of us does his duty." Principal F. W. Wiggins will address Mr. Wahlquist's sociology class today at 1:15 o'clock on the subject of Americanization. -f CHANGE IN DATE Box Elder and Davis schools asking that the triangular debate be called on April 9, instead of April 23. This gives the Ogden teams but little time to prepare, but they will comply with the request if possible. Dr. Barker of the university will meet the senior class some time tomorrow, probably at 11 o'clock. Word comes from Rosalind Ve- nema, at San Luis Obispo, that she is attending high school there preparatory to entering college. Rosalind complains of the warm weather there-she had best not let any Californians hear her knock! This reminds us that some one recently remarked that little towns of 300-400 people in California talk as if they were "whales." "They pat themselves on the back until they are red in the face." CHEMISTRY CONTEST The following students have thus I far handed in their essays in the I American Chemical society con- ! test: Bill Petty, Rulon Lee, Donnell j Stewart, Alice Pack, Reese Hubbard, Miriam Cain and Florence Hammers. These essays evidence much painstaking effort and study. Monroe Wardleigh, a last year student who spent one-half year at college in Des Moines, la,., was a high school visitor 'Tuesday. Monroe was obliged to give up his studies on account of failing health. After leaving school he was forced to spend some time in a Denver hospital. His determination to SJ ; continue his 1 studies, however, is - I. i unshaken, and he will enter some western college in September. He ,1 ; says, "western country and climate I for me." j GRADES REPORTED The R. O. T. C. reports the f 1- ! lowing high grades for the month of March: Band, 98.8 per cent; ! Company A, 84 per cent; Company B. 96.4 per cent; Company C, 92 per- cent; Company E, 99.6 per I cent; Company F, 90 per cent. The g-u' don was again awarded to '(it ; Dr. Edward -Steener, the fore- most authority on immigration in ; America, closes his book, "Against the Current,"'with this wholesome wish: "I wish not tor wealth, al- j though I could use it; not for wis-j dom, although 1 lack it. My one j wish is that l may have grace I given to be a man to the end, and1 to the end love my brother man with all the passion of my soul." j ! Many people will admit that one fault of present and past education is that it does not look up to life I interests. None will fail to appreciate this truth, nor the ironic humor of this statement of Dr. Robinson: "Most of what passes for learning is a kind of pitiful affectation. The student says, 'I have had j Latin 'oij chemistry,' or "I took science or literature.' All is safely in I the past or the perfect tense, as it I it were an attack of pleurisy or i f boil." An Old CHESTNUT AN L parenl, so the story i The proya unroauced to the !goes, o.i bciii . -nematics,. said: professor or m lK' algebra from "My son Jonn "to, '°n no." said you, I believe.'" an't 'take' it; the professor, "he d r-° he was only 'exposed' e when the The day has con. humor of tables are turned. Th inc' when the above loses its piqi it was the we consider that pernaps "Jra didn't professor's fault that alge, "take"-not the boy's. e giver All things "take" when tl Dr' has the right punch to hii k and Harper used to make Greli:l llls Sanskrit so interesting that students were "infected." |