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Show 4-23-24 Wed Ogden High School Notes Thought for today: "Be honest, partly because of the effect upon others, but mostly because of its effect upon your own estimation of ! yourself." j Someone remarked Tuesday that j the above is a general truth which may be prefaced positively or nega- tively by any virtue or vice and I the same will form a moral truism of worth. For instance put "sincere" instead of "honest" and you will have as great a truth, for the value of sincerity, lies chiefly in the tone and character it gives the individual. One who knows he is not sin- i cere knows he is a hypocrite and i j must naturally lose self-respect.. Again put "Do not gossip" in- : stead of "Be honest," and the rest; of the statement rings out a sol- j emn warning. One who sees only evil in others must have something J nasty in himself. Which all bears out the statement that "each is his own friend or enemy," and that other truth "No one can harm us but ourselves." One of the big thing.? that teachers must do in the school room is to convert every student to the ..idea that he is the architect of his j own fortune, the maker of his own I life; that no one has it "in for him," and that ever unworthy thought or deed injures most himself-and not the objetc of his ill- will. PRAISES MUSICIANS. j It has been suggested that spe- j cial mention should be made of the 12 boys in the school ba id who ap- j peared at the patriotic meeting on Saturday night last. These boys j did a fine thing in forgetting their j own comfort and conveniences to render a happy servic? to the bon- orable veterans of '61. The quartet that sang and the reader also are to be commended for having contributed just a. little to the success of that splendid meeting. SLOW TASK. Word comes from Chicago that ! tabulating the results" of hundreds of high schools and colleges in the Hearst rifle shooting contest is a work of vast magnituda an.', that a report can hardly be expected before the close of the week. To brag little, to show well, to crow gently if in luck, tc pay up, to own up, and to shut up if beaten, are the virtues of a sporting j man.-Oliver Wendell Holmes. Letters were received at the high j school Tuesday from two former ! pupils now in Chicago-Miss Louise Zeller in an art school there and Miss Veda Archibald at the University of Chicago. Both are en- joying their work and desire to be ; remembered to all their high scnool friends. j GRADUATION LIST. The graduating committee is stiil checking carefully on the 250 j applicants for graduation. The committee members feel disposed i to recommend for graduation . all ! that can be said to have met rea- ! sonably well the requirements of j the school; they feel however, that j conscientious effort and fair grades should mark the work uf the senior year. Assembly will be held on Thursday this week at 11 o'clock in order to take advantage of the presence in Ogden of W. W. Cooley of San Francisco, who will address the students on the subject of "Making a Success of School and Life." PLAN LONG TRIPS. It appears that the women members of the faculty are either going to take advantage of leap year or even matters up by long summer voyages or trips to Europe. No woman teacher is to be pitied these days. She is almost to be envied. The times demand that teachers should enrich and broaden their training and experience by travel by study, by summer recreations, so that they may be sources of inspiration in their daily class room work. Teaching is no longer a job, it is a profession, and whosoever would join the profession must be alert and progressive. THE LEWIS CONTEST. J. S. Lewis made the students and teachers very happy Tuesday. This happiness will also be shared by the faculty and students of Box Elder high school and of Davis county high school when his magnanimous offer reaches them. Mr. Lewis has offered a beautiful silver trophy cup to the school in the Ogden, Box Elder, Davis division,' that will win highest honor in or a- 1 tory. The school that wins the cup will have it suitably engraved and held for one year, or until the next cpntest. The school that wins the cup the tfnrd tim.i, not necessarily consecutive, shall retain permanent possession of the same, and the contest for a second cup will begin under the same regulations. Not content with this, Mr. Lewis is also offering annuaily to the individual student who wins first' place, a handsome gold watch and to the student winning second place a beautiful gold pin. The offer is most graciously accepted by the Ogden high school as it will also be by the other schools. We I thank Mr. Lewis for this generous i offer, and we sincerely hope that I I it will result in giving encourage- i j ment and inspiration to the boys! land -girls to engage in the fin 3 in- ! tellectual training that this activ- ity offers. IN APPRECIATION. Mr. Lewis commended highly the spiendid exhibition given by the R. O. T. C. boys last week, and says that he has desired for some time to express in some tangible form his appreciation of the work of the school and to do something if possible that will incite to still nigner endeavor. |