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Show Thursday May 1 24 Ogden High School Notes THOUGHT FOR TODAY. I am optimistic about the boys of the present generation. For one thing they have high ideals. Courage and loyalty appeal more to them than anything else.-Dr. Lewis Perry. Dr. Perry, principal of the famous Exeter academy for boys, Exeter, New Hampshire, writing in the March American makes a score of encouraging remarks such as the one above. Every boy and every parent should read the article. It is full of enthusiasm and encouragement. He says, "They have new problems to meet; problems which their fathers did not have to solve. But they will come out all right, if we older people do not mess things up." Dr. Perry suggests that parents will not mess things up if they will only practice in their daily lives, "the old fashioned virtues of unselfishness and honesty, with a sound basis of common sense." 4,000 TO MARCH. Tomorrow is loyalty day; as a part of the day's program every boy in the Ogden city schools- over four thousand of them-will parade on Washington avenue at 10 o'clock-just to let the Ogden people see how numerous, how fine and strong and promising they are. No one who witnesses this parade will fear for the future of our fair city, state and nation. EXCELLENT PAGEANT. Physical education, artistic dancing, music, art and other fine j things are well established in Ogden schools as has been wonderfully demonstrated in the recent pageants of the junior high schools in the local theatres. ! The pageant in the Orpheum theatre Wednesday night by the central junior was as artistic, as beautiful and as promising as anything ever presented on a local stage. The hearts of the parents must have been deeply moved by the performance. The entertainment centered about the subject of love, loyalty and patriotism and was educational in the very highest sense. Wednesday at 2 o'clock every class in the high school devoted a profitable half hour to the subject of patriotism, as a feature of "patriotic day." The track meet tomorrow after- j noon will demonstrate the value of ! clean, vholesome physical activity, as a distinctive element in modern education. The adult population should be in attendance en masse to enjoy the sports and to meet up with the wholesome, vigorous boyhood of today-the men of tomorrow. DEBATERS IN BANQUET. One of the fine organizations of the Ogden High school is the Forum Debating society. For three years noAV this little group has met weekly, winter and summer, to study, discuss and debate the great problems of the day. The organization has been limited to twelve active members, but nearly as many more have been and are on the waiting list-eager to join as soon as a vacancy occurs. Vacancies occur only ns members graduate. Many of the boys who will graduate this month have been in the club since its organization. The personnel of the club at present is: Laurence Skeen, Thomas Craven, John O'Neill, William Hutchings, Elmer Burke, Lewis Iverson, Chester Hyland, Blaine Ramsden, William Taylor, ; Joseph Sangberg. Don Wakefield, Jake Reynolds and Eugene Hines. ! The club is preparing for its first big banquet and social on May 12. This will be a sort of anniversary commemoration and will probably be held annually hereafter. The banquet will be held in the Spanish room of the Reed hotel. About 35 people-members, former members, advisors and J gufests-will participate. J MINDS AND AUTOMOBILES. The Industrial magazine has a rather interesting article compar- ing the mind with the automobile. We think some of it is not far- ; fetched; for instance- i There are Rolls-Royce-individ- uals, sedan-like-people, limosin- ettes, jitney-folks, and "specially designed" people. Some travel rackety bang; others with thei:: "cut-out" always in evidence; a few in low slung races with emphasis on the horn. All are bnt on going somewhere. The fellow who parks his mind is the one who interests me. As a tired business man he may park it for two hours at a T. B. M. performance. As a foolish chap he may park his mind indefinitely, anywhere, anytime and for any excuse: We call him rattle brained. Then there are the school boys who park their minds when they think the acfademic policeman has his back turned, and finally, the wife and mother who parks her mind permanently, and trades her mental runabout for a,.gadabout. A WONDERFUL RECORD. Company E of the R. O. T. C. which has thrice won the guerdon for promptness and attendance, won it again in April by a record that cannot possibly be beaten-A 100 per cent record. This is such an outstanding event that we feel that the publie should have an opportunity of knowing the names of all the boys who set this highest of standards. Here they are: Captain, Chester Zinn; first lieutenant, Clarence Ross; second lieutenant, George Clifton; sponsor, Genevieve Madsen; first sergeant, Jean Rauzy. Sergeants - Tallmadge, Boyd, Frank Mouritsen, Ben Jones, Jack Irving, Wilford DeHaan, Dayrel Smith. Corporals-Lee Christensen, Jerome Whitton, Leon Chamberlain, Verlin Walker, Hisso Chiba, Grant Reade, Wayne Iverson. Privates-Hal Armstrong, Lee Burnham, Paul Brown, Walter Blaylock, Lawrence Bluth, Eivin Blackburn, David Camp, Edgar Calder, Lewellen Christensen, Byron Crittenden, Donald Corey, Bob Craven, Clyde Elder, Charles Emmett, Clarke Foulger, Leland Flynn, Earl Gullicksen, John Griffin. Privates - Winfield Hancoc.k, Sam Junk, Ralph Kimball, George Linford, Lawrence Leavitt, Richard Lund, Clarence McBride, Jess McBride, Roland Morreil, Billy Moore, Henry O'Keefe, Richard Pincock, Ralph Pugmire, Earl Rushmer, Earl Rheese, Wallace Randolph, Frank sRose, Rulon Rawson. Privates-Irving Schelen, Rulon Scoville, Floyd Stanger, Virgil J Swensen, Robert Stevens, Bruce j Shields, Leonard Stitzer, Elmer Syphers, LeRoy Turpin, Clarence Turner, Garff Wilson, Roy Walker. |