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Show Thurs. Apr 17 - 24 Ogden High School Notes Today's thought: "You can live without art, but not so well." "Beauty is the key to all good." -Maeterlinck. Our thought today reminds one of the old verses which runs somewhat like this: We can live without art, we can live without books, But civilized man cannot live without cooks." It is really doubtful, however, whether we can live witnout art. We can exist without it-but live -never. Living implies, in its true sense, much more than simple existence. To live, one must feel, think, appreciate, act. Which reminds of us Henry Van Dyke's quatrain: Four things a man must learn to do If he would keep his record true, To think without confusion clearly To act from honest motives purely, To lovfe his fellow man sincerely To trust in God and Heaven securely, . Wordsworth made plain to us rlong ago the difference betweeft the man who merely exists and the man who really lives. To Peter Bell: , "A primrose by the river brim, A yellow primrose was to him, And it was nothing more." Wordsworth, on the other hand, said of himself: "To me the meanest flower that blows- Gives thoughts too deep for tears." Education, we may well say then, :is making Wordsworths out of Pe- ! ter Bells; we may not succeed en- j tirely, but if somehow or other we i do not make some sort of change ! in this direction, we have failed in- I deed. EDUCATING SELF. On the other hand, every student should realize, and that early, the truth of Webster's statement: "Every man must educate himself; his books and teachers are but helps." Joseph Ririe Wednesday gave at Weber assembly a pretty fair definition of living. He said: "To do the best you can, to use every minute with pleasure and joy in the heart for'the task of service-that is living." "Have you heard from Chicago yet?" was the thousand-time asked question Wednesday. It was asked frequently by townspeople as well- as students. The students were keyed up to a high pitch of enthusiasm all day, and they found it quite imipossible to restrain i themselves. j We are pleased also to note that! the people of Ogden are taking a! very great interest in this great i rifle shooting contest. MYSTERIOUS BOUQUET. The women of the faculty have been meeting once a month this year in a social way to get better acquainted and to cement friendship ties. Their April meeting was held on Tuesday at .he home or Miss Evelyn Dobbs, with Misses Emma Chesney, Etta Nelson, Annette Goodwin and Evelyn Dobbs as hostesses at a luncheon party. During the afternoon a mysterious bouquet arrived. This threatened to cause as much discord as did the golden apple which Paris threw among the goddesses. Finally imbedded among the flowers was found a card "to the June bride," and harrftony was immediately restored, for there was but one claimant present. LECTURE TONIGHT. Students are invited to a free lecture and lantern slide representation of the Grand canyon tonight in the Central Junior auditorium at 8 o'clock. The pictures were taken by Engineer Ralf Woolley and party who spent many days in the gorge, and were thought to be lost. Mr. Woolley will deliver the lecture. PATRIOTIC PROGRAM. On Saturday night, April 19,jall students are invited to a public patriotic meeting to be held in the tabernacle by the veterans of the Civil war. Patriotic Instructor M. M. Clothier will preside and the few remaining veterans will tell the story of the part they took in the great struggle. Students may never be privileged to hear these stories again from living participants and they are urged to avail' themselves of this opportunity. The j O. H. S. band will furnish the music. On Friday afternoon and night the Junior high school students are presenting their great pageant festival at ' the Alhambra theater. Tickets will be 6n sale at the high school tomorrow. All students are urged again to avail themselves of the opportunity of seeirlg the Utah art exhibit at the Berthana this week. Thursday, May 1, will be "boys' patriotic day" in Ogden. A grand parade of all the boys in Ogden will take place in the morning as well as an exhibition of the R. O. T. C. manual of arms and setting up exercises. In the afternoon the annual division track meet will take place in the Lorin Farr park. |