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Show Mar 11 24 Ogden High School Notes The women members of the faculty entertained 100 girls at a Classicalia work party Monday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. Refreshments were served. Bill Petty, John O'Neill, Earl Murry, Alyson Smith and Pedigo Voll, by some hook or crook, or by special invitation, found themselves present at the girls' party Monday, just about the time the refreshments were served. They say they had a "delicious" time. NEW DIAMOND RING. No scandal talk was permitted at the girls' party Monday, but the girls were permitted t.o query and to chatter unrestrainedly about the wonderful diamond ring worn by a certain popular facility member for the first time Monday. Next? Dr. Barker's talk at the high school is bearing fruit. On Friday last the girls met and appointed a committee to, formulate rules of conduct for girls attending the high school, and the boys met this morning and took similar action. Supt. W. Karl Hopkins gave an interesting and inspirational talk to the boys at a special assembly this morning. Tie congratulated the boys on the success they are achieving in the line of athletics and urged them to support Coach i Kapple in building up a depart- . ment that will compare favorably with any high school in the nation. JJ" fnoke also of the great reputation the O. H. S. rifle team had acquired in the east, especially in Chicago, and expressed the hope' that Ogden would win for the third time the Hearst trophy, making it i a permanent possession of the j school. MANY TICKETS SOLD. The committee on tickets for the .' Classicalia announces that the sale will close on Thursday and that ' a, report is to be made on that ' date. It is feared that it will not be possible, to accommodate all who shall desire to attend this great annual function. Students are very serious as to the results of the queen contest, but the committee members arp obdurate and will not divulge the i name of the fortunate girl. They assure us, however, that she will be a happy surprise, and will mee an ovation as she enters the hair- Saturday night. The costumes! have been secured for queen and j maids from Los Angeles. Some j of these have been worn in the i ma King of movie films such as Robin Hood, and are exquisitely beautiful. Dr. Barker's definition of education: "Training the mind, heart and hand, to do today the work that ought to-, be done, whether one likes it or not" is much in vogue at the high school. It is reported in some form, either by teacher or pupil, more frequently than any other slogan. DANCE DISPLAY. Miss Carlson and Miss Johnson, physical education instructors, are ; busv these days preparing stu- j dents for a display of aesthetic j dancing next month. The high school students have j more than a passing interest in j Weber county's bond election to- j aay. It means the birth of an-; other institution like our own in Ogden and promises a high school j home for all the boys and girls in Weber county. No parent is satisfied these days who cannot offer his child the advantages of a high school education. There is much competition in life but the competition that is most worth while is that which the individual engages in with his former self. If today he can surpass the self of yesterday, he is winning and is on the highway to , success. LESSONS IN SPORTS. It was rather an interesting thing to note on the side lines at the tournament in Salt Lake the i other night, the veteran leaders of the L. D. S. church, Heber J. Grant land A. W. Ivins. It's a fine thing; anywhere for leaders to join with . ; youth in their sports and games, j ; It was p'easing also to note a good- j : ly number of fathers and mothers from Ogden at the great contcet. The state tournament is a great institution. A tournament that will bring 5,000 people from remote parts of the state-the old and the young-together for three, four, five or even six hours daily for several days watc! ing keenly a ! series of contests-is assuredly a j worth while thing. It is whole- j j j some, it is cleans it is altogether 11 refreshing. j We think that the boys and girls j must have learned quite a lesson ; at the tot3.rnam.ent. "Winning Is j not the only thing." To play wll! to be good sports, to appreciate deftness, agility, skill, co-opera- j Itive team work and to enjoy whole- I some rivalry and recreation-these j are the great things in athletics, j MOTHERS Watch for symptoms of worms : in your children. These parasites are the great destroyers of child life. If you have reason to think . your child has worms, act quickly, j Give the little one a dose or two , I of White's Cream Vermifuge, j Worms cannot exist where this j mle-tried and successful remedy j used. It drives wit the worms j j and restores tne ';Jsliue of i I health to baby cfeek 35c. |